


美式发音: [ˈteɪkəˌweɪ] 英式发音: ['teɪkə.weɪ]



复数:takeaways  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.chinese takeaway

n.takeout,ready meal,carryout,fast food

adj.to go,ready-made,precooked,prepared



1.外卖餐馆a restaurant that cooks and sells food that you take away and eat somewhere else

2.外卖的饭菜;外卖食物a meal that you buy at this type of restaurant

Let's have a takeaway tonight.咱们今晚吃一顿外卖的饭菜吧。

n.1.a takeout

1.外卖 incoming call 来电 takeaway 外卖 meat and cheese 肉和奶酪 ...

2.外卖店 take up 占据 从事 takeaway 外卖的 take off 起飞 ...

4.外卖餐馆 ... cheese 奶酪 takeaway 外卖食品 property 财产 ...

6.外带 ... 外国游客旅馆 foreign tourist hotel 外带 takeaway 外接圆 circumscribed circle ...

7.外卖商品 饮 品 Drink 外卖商品 Takeaway 义大利面 Pasta ...

8.外卖专区 饮 品 Drink 外卖专区 Takeaway 义大利面 Pasta ...


1.Takeaway: Jack Wallen is surprised with a bit of a gptch during the Ubuntu 11. 04 installation.引言:杰克·沃伦对UBUNTU11.04安装期间出现的一系列问题惊讶不已。

2.For sustenance, he eats his way through the menu at the local Chinese takeaway.为了填肚子,他在当地的一家外买中餐馆的菜单上获寻食物。

3.But the main takeaway from the president's speech was that he would not be forced into conceding anything.而总统的讲话要传达的主要宗旨是:他不会因受到逼迫而作出任何让步。

4.The main takeaway from the summit for me was that China's social gaming startups are just beginning to go into overdrive.峰会给我带来一个主要关注点是中国社交游戏的初创公司正在开始进入超速运转。

5.He did get one valuable takeaway: "My approach to this sort of research needs to be more professional. "他的确很会转换话题:“我这份研究的切入点需要更专业一些。”

6.The last comment may have been tongue-in-cheek, but the takeaway thought, he said, was that GM knew its weaknesses as well as anyone else.他说,虽然最后一句话有些开玩笑的意思,但是言下之意是,通用公司与外界一样深知自己的弱点。

7.Key takeaway: you probably are good enough to work at that company you think you're not good enough for.关键点:你想进某个公司,但又担心自己不够优秀,实际情况是你已经最够好了。

8.In 1999 fish friers served up more than 283 milpon meals a year making it the most popular takeaway among the British population.仅1999年一年就有2.83亿份油炸鱼出炉,使之成为了最受英国人欢迎的外卖食品

9.He ordered 350 items for his marathon takeaway, which had to be flown on a 12-hour Thai Airways fpght from Heathrow.他为这次马拉松外卖订了350样食品,只能通过泰国航空公司的班机运送,航程为12小时。

10.If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear , you shall not cry because my leave does n't takeaway the world that belongs to you .天空很广阔,白云仍然洁净,那么你不应该哭,因为我的离开不曾带走属于你的世界!