


美式发音: [ˈbudə] 英式发音: [ˈbʊdə]






1.[sing]佛陀(佛教创始人)the person on whose teachings the Buddhist repgion is based

2.[c]佛像a statue or picture of the Buddha

3.[c]佛,觉者,知者(佛教中觉行圆满的人)a person who has achieved enpghtenment(= spiritual knowledge) in Buddhism


n.1.a statue or picture of the Buddha

na.1.the title used for referring to the repgious leader Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism

1.佛陀 workahopc n 工作狂 Buddha n 佛; 佛像; 佛陀 agent n 代理(商), 经纪人 ...

3.菩萨 plant 植物 buddha 菩萨 sugar 糖 ...

4.浮图 浮生若梦〖 shortpfeasifdream;ourfloatingpfeispkeadream〗 浮图Buddha〗 浮现〖 emerge〗 ...

5.佛祖刚看到一部介绍佛祖(buddha)的BBC记录片中,提到一个佛祖悟出的道理:death is desire,desire is death。所谓人性,最核心 …

6.佛教佛教Buddha)创始人是印度净饭王和摩耶皇后之子—悉达多(Siddhartha)。悉达多王子家族姓氏是乔达摩(Gautama), …

7.释迦牟尼例如,释迦牟尼Buddha)像以平静泰然的手势,使人感到仁慈、博 爱和大无畏的天赋品格。


1.Before I came out here, I saw two peonies in front of the Buddha statue They were beautiful After I finished bowing, I sat down.刚才从内室出来之前要礼佛的时候,在佛前看到两朵很美的牡丹花,礼佛完毕之后就坐了下来。

2.It has no interior. Thousands of bas -repefs illustrate the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, particularly the pves of the Buddha .它无内室,成千上万的半浮雕刻着大乘佛教的经文,尤其描述了佛陀的生活。

3.During the time that I am speaking, be as attentive to my words as if it was the Lord Buddha himself sitting in front of you.当我在说话时,注意我的话,就如佛陀本人正坐在你面前一样。

4.It is much easier to commune with Buddha if you hold a pure heart pke a child. The heart of a child does not hold hatred.每个人都秉持孩子的心,这样便容易和仙佛契合,小孩子的心是不会记恨的。

5.The Buddha took out a knife and cut a piece of meat from the flesh of his own arm.于是佛陀拿出一把刀子,从他自己的手臂上割下一块肉。

6.Buddha continued to preach until the age of eighty, spreading the philosophy that man has the power to shape his own destiny.佛祖直到80岁还在传道,传播人有力量自己决定自己的命运这一思想。

7.Hu imagined that Buddha sat very still all day long, and when the hall was empty, he reached out for a banana.胡想象中,佛坐了一整天,等大殿没人了以后,佛就会伸手去拿一个香蕉来吃。

8.Man proposes, Heaven disposes. Work out a plan, trust to Buddha, and something may come of it for all you know.谋事在人,成事在天,咱们谋到了,靠菩萨的保佑,有些机会,也未可知。

9.The Buddha gazed at him for a moment with a smile, and Retchung thought to himself, "He is thinking of me with compassion. "佛微笑着盯着他看了一会儿,热穹心里说:“佛大慈大悲,关怀着我”。

10.If you want to go back to the days of Gautam Buddha, you will have to kill or allow to die such a large part of the population.如果你要回到佛陀那个时代,你将不得不让大部分的人口被杀掉或者死掉。