


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:垂直钳位电平调整(Vertical BLANK);程序设计(Visual Basic);程式设计



1.垂直钳位电平调整(Vertical BLANK) Magazines 期刊 程序设计 VB 数据库 oracle ...

3.程式设计 中文书 :电脑资讯 /网页设计 / Dreamweaver 中文书 :电脑资讯 /程式设计VB 中文书 :电脑资讯 /作业系统 / Wi…

4.无控件摄像头编程示例 SQL 语句培训文档 VB 无控件摄像头编程示例 VB 版贪吃蛇源码 ...


1.VB Migration Partner was the best, the chunk of code being migrated, compiled and ready to run in 2. 5 hours.VB移植搭档是最好的工具,代码块的移植、编译和运行总共只需25小时。

2.VB timer and API function programming methods can be used to get the result of dynamic zoom - in and zoom -out , fade- in and fade-out .用VB定时器和API函数编程方法,实现文字和图形的动态缩放和渐现渐隐效果。

3."Just checking the dreaded VB hasn't managed to get hold of any of our clothes, " the Daily Mail quoted her, as saying.《每日电讯报》援引了这位公关的话:“仅是确认一下恐怖的贝嫂别穿上我们的衣服。”

4.Such laments VB programmers side of the ease of use, and general frustration like to see some " undefined type, " the wrong occurred.这样一些程序员一边感叹VB的易用性,一般沮丧地地看着一些类似于“未定义类型”错误的发生。

5.NET, carry out with the conjunction of the ACCESS2003 databases and operation, plait the distance language adoption VB language.NET的数据库访问机制,来实现与ACCESS2003数据库的连接与操作,编程语言采用VB语言。

6.They also reported that VB Migration Partner required the least amount of manual intervention to make the UI look like the original one.他们还声称VB移植搭档不需要过多的手动干预也不会影响用户界面的外观。

7.In the Add New Item dialog box, give the class file (. Vb or. Cs file) the name you want the composite control to have.在“添加新项”对话框中,将类文件(.vb或.cs文件)命名为您希望复合控件所具有的名字。

8.A VB game, crazy right touch, the game is to get together to find the same two or more graphics can then be removed.一款VB游戏,疯狂对对碰,游戏方法是找出两个以上凑在一起的相同图形然后可以清除。

9.When translating C code to VB, you quite often come across the HiWord and LoWord operators, used to pack two integers into a long value.当把C代码翻译到VB时,你经常会遇到高字和低字的操作,通常是把两个整型值合成一个长整型。

10.To distinguish between the assemblies for each version of the sample, the name of the output assembly has CS or VB appended.为了区分两个版本示例的程序集,在输出程序集的名称后追加了CS或VB。