


美式发音: [kɔɪ] 英式发音: [kɔɪ]





比较级:coyer  最高级:coyest  同义词反义词





1.(尤指对爱情或性爱)羞羞答答的,假装害羞无知的,故作忸怩的shy or pretending to be shy and innocent, especially about love or sex, and sometimes in order to make people more interested in you

She gave me a coy smile.她羞答答地对我笑了笑。

2.~ (about sth)不愿提供信息的;不肯作答的;含糊其词的not willing to give information about sth, or answer questions that tell people too much about you

She was a little coy about how much her dress cost.她对她那条连衣裙花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。

adj.1.腼腆的,羞怯的;对...感到害羞 (of, about)2.献媚的,卖弄风情的3.〈古〉隐蔽的,偏僻的(地方)



adj.1.not willing to give information about something, especially in a way that is slightly annoying2.someone who is coy pretends to be shy in order to make themselves seem more attractive; used about someones behavior


1.腼腆的 pearls n. 珍珠 coy adj. 腼腆的, 怕羞的, 卖弄风情的 busted busted 破产了的, 失败了的, 被降级的 ...

2.忸怩的 cow v. 威胁 coy adj. 腼腆的,忸怩的 cub n. 幼兽;年轻无经验的人 ...

3.怕羞的 pearls n. 珍珠 coy adj. 腼腆的, 怕羞的, 卖弄风情的 busted busted 破产了的, 失败了的, 被降级的 ...

4.害羞的 cot 轻便小床;帆布床 coy 害羞的,腼腆的 cue 暗示,提示,球杆 ...

5.科伊 Cheek 奇克 Coy 科伊 Cary 加里 ...

6.羞怯 loss n. 丧失,损耗 coy adj. 腼典的,怕羞的,羞怯的 crave v. 渴望,热望,恳求 ...


1."Why, " said the duke, "the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence. "“噢,我想娶的这位姑娘很贞洁,很害羞。”公爵说,“我这老头子的话打不动她的心。”

2."Yes, " she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy.“是埃”说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。

3.Tell him that I reaffirm my appraisal of him while I was on Earth: the fact that he is "THE REAL MC-COY. "告诉他,我重申自己那时还在世的时候对于他的评估:他就是那真实不虚的MC-COY。

4.Mercury has been coy in revealing its secrets slowly so far, but in less than two years the innermost planet will become a close friend.水星一直不愿意在公开的秘密慢慢迄今为止,但在不到两年的时间深处的行星将成为亲密的朋友。

5.So let me admit something right off the bat that I've been sort of coy about up till now: We goofed.现在我来立即承认一件我一直没有直言的事吧:我们搞糟了。

6.She was a little coy about how much her dress cost.她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。

7.But when it comes to those at the bottom of the system who enrage the middle classes, he offers coy platitudes or ideas that cost money.但当谈到那些让中级阶级愤怒的社会边缘群体时,他的陈词滥调与花钱理论令人脸红。

8.A decade later, a coy Monroe stands smiling on a Grand Central subway platform as a man to her left stares in bug-eyed disbelief.十年之后,腼腆的梦露站在中央地铁站的月台上微笑时,此时她左边的一位男士则目瞪口呆地怀疑地盯着她。

9.But above all, as Tehelka, a news weekly, observed, the strip appeared to "poke fun at the coy Indian attitude towards sexuality" .但最重要的是,如新闻周刊Tehelka所指,这些画表现出“对腼腆的印度人对待性爱的调笑”。

10.So far, Google has been coy about admitting the rivalry (whereas Microsoft's boss, Steve Ballmer, is obsessed with it).迄今为止,谷歌扭捏作态地承认了这个竞争(然而微软的老板,史蒂夫·巴尔默,却为此而困惑)。