


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌem'vi:]


英文单词:马尔代夫(Maldives);毫伏;麻疹疫苗(Measles vaccine)



1.(用于船名前)内燃机船(used before the name of a ship)motor vessel

the MV Puma美洲狮号机动船

abbr.1.【电】(=medium voltage)中压2.(=market value)市面价值3.(=mean variation)平均变化4.(=merchant vessel)商船5.(=motor vessel)内燃机船6.(=muzzle velocity)初速7.【语】(=main verb)主要动词1.【电】(=medium voltage)中压2.(=market value)市面价值3.(=mean variation)平均变化4.(=merchant vessel)商船5.(=motor vessel)内燃机船6.(=muzzle velocity)初速7.【语】(=main verb)主要动词

abbr.1.[Electricity](=medium voltage)2.(=market value)3.(=mean variation)4.(=merchant vessel)5.(=motor vessel)6.(=muzzle velocity)7.[Grammar](=main verb)1.[Electricity](=medium voltage)2.(=market value)3.(=mean variation)4.(=merchant vessel)5.(=motor vessel)6.(=muzzle velocity)7.[Grammar](=main verb)

1.马尔代夫(Maldives) MU 毛里裘斯 MV 马尔代夫 MW 马拉维 ...

2.毫伏 MUNITS 毫单位 mv 毫伏 MV 分钟量 ...

3.麻疹疫苗(Measles vaccine) DPT—— 百白破 MV—— 麻疹疫苗 EBV—— 乙脑疫苗 ...

4.音乐影片 cp 复制文件 mv 移动文件 mkdir 目录名 建立目录 ...

6.导演 ... 4. 你是我心内的一首歌 5. 爱在哪里 6. Cockney Girl MV 导演 Honey Honey Honey, 萧亚轩演唱,20…


1."When I fall to the ground in the video, the word groupthink spills out of my head because I was assassinated by groupthink" , she said.“MV中当我当地的一霎那,集体思维一词蹦入我的脑中,因为是集体思维谋杀了我,”她表示说。

2."The last group of pirates has got down now and MV Faina is released, " he said, speaking from the Somali port of Harardhere.“最后一批的海盗已经撤退,MVFaina就被释放了。”他在索马里港口Harardhere如是说。

3.MV was burned to see the results of the house, just a symbol, a symbol of two people are in a lie and hurt in the ordeal.结果后来MV就看见烧房子了,只是个象徵,象徵两个人在谎言和伤害中都饱受煎熬。

4.However, Jay wittily placed photos of his mom all over the MV, in a way, letting his mom star as the MVs female lead.不过,杰伦巧妙地将与妈妈的许多合照放在MV中,使妈妈成为独一无二的女主角。

5.Even such scenes did not take a big proportion in the movie, seemingly so long to describe by half of my MV.即使镜头们在这部戏里的比重仍占不大,用半个MV的时间表达仍显冗长。

6.Some of his recomposed songs and music videos (MVs) are so exceedingly buffoonery that they tickle yours humbly funny bone to no end.有些已更改的歌和音乐视频(MV)是极端滑稽令本人‘笑得见牙不见眼’!

7.Debut as a director through your MV "Bamboo Forest" how was that happen?在“竹林深处”中第一次做为导演登场,感觉如何?

8.With "mv, " you can change the name of a file or move it to another directory--or both.利用“mv”命令,你可以更改一个文件的名字或者把它移动到另一个文件夹,或者同时达到这两种目的。

9.Nether of all of these MVs is I accept to record, put to net up, hope to share with you together!下面的这些MV全是我收录下来,放到了网上,希望和你一起分享!

10.The wall has an infinitely large mass, but the momentum of this tennis ball 2mv has changed by an amount 2 mv.墙壁的质量无限大,但是网球的动量,改变了。