


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing);艾滋病自愿咨询检测;电缆检测功能(Virtual Cable Test)


abbr.1.venture capital trust

1.自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing) Traceroute支持Telnet远程维护支持VCT(Virtual Cable Test)电缆检测功能QoS:每个端口支持4个输出队列支持802.1p优先级 …

4.艾滋病自愿咨询与检测5、艾滋病自愿咨询与检测VCT)门诊:在孕产妇、新婚对象中开展“免费艾滋病自愿咨询与检测(VCT)服务”。门诊咨询医 …

5.可变凸轮轴正时系统新型的可变凸轮轴正时系统VCT)开创了业界的一个先河。四个 VCT 单元的启动通过打开和关闭进气和排气气门所产生的正 …



1.First, VCT clientele may not be representative of the general Ugandan population.首先,自愿咨询检测患者无法代表乌干达一般人群。

2.VCT gives hope and a sense of future with or without the infection.无论感染还是未感染,VCT给人以希望和对未来的认识。

3.Although it may be cost-effective, VCT is nevertheless one of the most expensive PMTCT intervention.尽管VCT服务的成本效益不错,但仍然是一种昂贵的预防干预措施。

4.Provide VCT services that are accessible to the general public.为一般公众提供可获得的VCT服务。

5.Governments and donors encourage the integration of family planning into voluntary testing and counselling (VCT) services.政府和援助机构鼓励将计划生育与自愿检测和咨询(VCT)服务相结合。

6.VCT data can also be used for program monitoring purposes.自愿咨询检测数据也可用于项目监测目的。

7.VCT is beneficial to all-the benefit of knowing one's status far outweighs not knowing.VCT使所有人都受益–知道自己是否感染的益处远远大于一无所知。

8.The goal of VCT services is to reduce the intent of irresponsible and self-destruction in clients.VCT服务的目标就在于减少求询者不负责任与自我毁灭的意向。

9.There is evidence to suggest that promoting and offering VCT is an effective public health strategy.有证据表明促进和提供自愿咨询检测是一个有效的公共卫生策略。

10.For HIV positive women VCT continues to support appropriate feeding choices for their infants to minimize HIV transmission.为HIV阳性妇女提供的VCT服务内容包括提供减少传播风险的各种适宜的喂养方法。