


美式发音: 英式发音: ['aɪ'pi]

abbr.(=Internet Protocol)【计】网际协议

英文单词:知识产权(intellectual property);互联网协议(Internet Protocol);网络协议


abbr.1.【计】(=Internet Protocol)网际协议2.(=initial point)起点

abbr.1.[Computer](=Internet Protocol)2.(=initial point)

1.知识产权(intellectual property)aw网址被屏蔽.au 知识产权权利人出于多种原因对其知识产权(IP)实施尽职调查。

2.互联网协议(Internet Protocol) ●Internal Bus( 内部总线) ●IP( 网络协议) ●IRC( 互联网中转聊天) ...


1.Since this configuration is going to use IP address takeover (IPAT), at least two network adapters need to be configured on each node.因为该配置使用IP地址接管(IPAT),所以每个节点上至少要配置两个网络适配器。

2.In this way you know all the computers powered on are either flashing their BMC firmware or waiting for the IP address to be set.这样,就可以知道所有开着的计算机正在刷新BMC固件,或者等待设置IP地址。

3.If I know your computer IP, will want to mobilize all of my network knowledge, put your computer times and got to a standstill.我要是知道你的电脑IP,定要汇集我所有的网络知识,把你的电脑次次搞到瘫痪。

4.The IP address is not the same as the IP address of the Windows cluster, but it must be in the same subnet as the Windows cluster.此IP地址与Windows群集的IP地址不同,但必须与Windows群集位于同一子网内。

5.DNS servers allowed Internet users to type in an easy-to-remember domain name and then converted it to the IP address automatically.DNS服务器使互联网用户可以输入一个容易记住的域名,然后它会自动将它转换成IP地址。

6.The Delegation considered that the mere existence of an exclusive right to own IP did not necessarily mean anti-competitiveness.该代表团认为,知识产权专有权的存在并不一定意味着反对竞争。

7.To illustrate why IP systems tend to get out of balance, imagine a simple society including you and me.为说明知识产权体制为何易于失衡,请想象一个简单的社会,其中只有你和我。

8.It did not consider it as a focal issue of IP and therefore should not be posed as a priority area for WIPO.它并不认为这是知识产权的关键问题,因此,不应将它作为WIPO的优先领域。

9.The cost of a Dedicated IP is $2. 95 a month and may take a few days up to a week to be assigned, if one is not available on your server.您将花费的是,一个专用的IP$2.95一个月,如果无法链接到您服务器,可能需要几天到一周才能分配到。

10.In order for an Internet service to be considered HA, it must be configured to listen in on at least one of these virtual IP addresses.要将一个互联网服务视为高可用性服务,则必须将它配置为侦听至少一个此类虚拟IP地址。