


英文单词:High-Strength Body


1.High-Strength Body全新迈腾继承了上一代迈腾荣获欧洲车身大奖的车身技术,应用了HSB(High-Strength Body)高强度车身。80%的车身材质都采 …


1.The rest of this series is all about using JBI and configuring ServiceMix to build an HSB.该系列其余部分关于使用JBI以及配置ServiceMix来构建HSB。

2.HSB enables a secondary server to run in parallel with the primary server and keep an up-to-date copy of the data in the primary server.HSB使备用服务器可以与主服务器并行运行,并保存主服务器上的数据的最新副本。

3.The HSB should be able to interconnect any healthcare application that uses WSDL and SOAP for interoperability.HSB应该能够与任何使用WSDL和SOAP的医疗保健应用程序相互连接。

4.Notice how the IP addresses and port numbers of both of the servers in the HSB configuration are present in the URL.注意该URL中如何表示HSB配置中两个服务器的IP地址和端口号。

5.One facility has a Blood Bank application, which the Prescription application can invoke through interconnection of the two HSBs.其中一个机构有个BloodBank应用程序,Prescription应用程序可以通过两个HSB的互联进行调用。

6.The HSB that I'll demonstrate can interconnect healthcare applications that use the WSDL, SOAP, and HL7 standards.我将演示的HSB能与使用WSDL、SOAP和HL7标准的医疗保健应用程序相互连接。

7.Color constituents values are represented in hexadecimal format for both RGB and HSB systems.颜色要素值被表现为用于RGB和HSB系统的十六进制格式。

8.JBI provides all the features of an ESB that I have discussed, so I'll use it to build an HSB.JBI提供了我所讲述的所有ESB特性,因此我将用它来构建HSB。

9.An HSB integrates a variety of healthcare-related services.HSB集成了大量医疗保健相关的服务。

10.The HSB uses the popular XML format for interoperable exchange of messages.HSB使用通用的XML格式相互交换消息。