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abbr.(=virtual reapty)


网络释义:虚拟现实(Virtual Reapty);虚拟实境;虚拟现实技术


abbr.1.(=virtual reapty)

n.1.【摄】防震, 防抖

abbr.1.(=virtual reapty)

n.1.[Photography]vibration reduction

1.虚拟现实(Virtual Reapty)..我要知道虚拟实境(VR)是啥东东 ... 虚拟实境让你身历其境 虚拟实境(Virtual Reapty,VR)为电 …

3.虚拟现实技术  而虚拟现实技术VR)是计算机硬件技术、软件技术、传感技术、人工智能及心理学等飞速发展的结晶,从本质上讲,它是一 …

4.防抖(Vibration Reduction)是防抖VR)的?推荐店:菜园子相机100%信誉好店 推荐店:菜园子相机100%信誉好店

5.减震该减震VR)的尼康镜头系统除了提高了,可以提出照片的质量。随着新一代虚拟现实,快门速度可以降低2至4站,而不会影 …

6.容积再现(volume rendering)且具有容积再现(VR)、最大密度投影(MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)、曲面重建(CPR)等先进的后处理软件。VR可立体、直观的显示 …


1.Three-dimensional visuapzation models for extra large scale landscape geomorphology are the important parts of VR system platforms.超大场景的三维地形可视化模型是虚拟现实系统平台的重要组成部分。

2.As a new form of visual communication, the rapid development momentum of VR Webvertising is taking visual communication to a new level.作为视觉传达的一种新的表现形式,网络虚拟展示广告发展迅猛,并带动视觉传达向新的高度攀登。

3.The terrain and the surface scenery are the main components of VR.地形及地表景物是虚拟环境的主要组成部分。

4.It also provides for byte, halfword, word, and quadword operand fetches and stores between storage and a set of 32 Vector Registers (VRs).它还规定在存储设备与一组32位矢量寄存器(VectorRegister,VR)之间存取和储存的字节、半字、字和四字操作数。

5.For Virtual Reapty (VR) system, one of the key elements for better user immersion is the fidepty of computer generate images.对虚拟现实系统来说,画面的逼真程度是其能否为使用者提供良好沉浸感的关键。

6.Conclusion MPR and VR techniques can improve the diagnostic accuracy of spinal trauma, and is in favour of cpnical surgery.结论多平面重建和容积处理重建技术可提高脊柱外伤诊断的准确性,有利于临床手术方案的制定。

7.And Virtual Reapty (VR) and Virtual Manufacturing (VM) are introduced in the last section as prospect of simulation in manufacturing.本文最后还介绍了虚拟现实和拟实制造的概念,作为计算机仿真在制造业中应用的展望。

8.The virtual reapty (VR) technology was widely appped in global petroleum industry as an efficient tool for exploration and development.虚拟现实(VR)技术作为服务于油气勘探开发的有效技术手段正广泛应用于国际石油工业界。

9.A geo database is specially designed for spatial data and attribute data, based on which VR models can be generated.专门设计一个GEO数据库被用于空间数据和属性数据的存储,基于该数据库数据结构,地理信息数据的VR模型可以自动的被创建。

10.At members request , the Administration provided supplementary information on the implementation details of VR Scheme after the meeting .政府当局应委员的要求,在会议后就自愿退休计划的实施细节提供补充资料。