




1.翁嗡 teng: 熥.疼腾腾滕藤藤誊誊 weng: 翁嗡..蓊.瓮瓮蕹罋 zeng: 增曾憎缯缯罾...综综赠赠缯缯甑锃鋥 ...

2.唵 磨 mo. weng 夜 ye ...

3.屋 ying 衣 weng lv 迂 ...

4.倭 [weng3] 瓮 瓮 [weng4] 倭 [yo1] 邕 邕 ...

5.膸 tol 獤 weng ying 哟育唷哟嚛 ...

6.南洋黑铁木 ... 621A White Oak- 白色橡木 26490 Weng- 南洋黑铁木 7128 Country Oak- 乡村橡木 ...

7.握 (wen) 嗡(土) (weng) (土) (wu) 蜈(土) ...

8.樨 (suo) 蓊(木) (weng) (木) (xiao) 啸(木) ...


1.Is sweet hence Weng in the head of a , at present a dark, virtually fall down in the ground by far.甘遂脑子里嗡的一声,眼前一黑,几乎当场跌倒在地。

2.Mr. Weng said he did not initially know of Mr. Wang's relationship with Ms. Guo, which apparently began this winter.翁涛解释道,他起初不知道王军与郭美美的关系,当郭美美事件在这冬天开始引起人们关注。

3.One person falls sea, another 2 people shake become numb, ear Weng Weng, have been a bit not awake.一人落海,另两人震得发麻,耳边嗡嗡,已经有些不清醒。

4.At the beginning of the 20th century, in north coastal plain on the island of Iraq and weng unearthed at the palace of a building.20世纪初,在岛北滨海平原上的伊拉克利翁发掘出一座当时建筑的王宫。

5.Yang has opened some analgetic pill to her. Next day, doctor continues to give Ms. Weng to hit "punctures five Canada" , Ms.第二天,医生继续给翁女士打“刺五加”,翁女士不仅头部剧烈疼痛,皮肤还出现红斑。

6.Weng contemplates this arrangement, then admits that the whole thing might be "somewhat illegal. "翁想了想这样的做法,然后哦承认这整件事或许有些违法。

7.After I talked to my professor Mr. Weng, about what I would do for my career, Suddenly something just cpcked.在我跟翁教授谈了关于我的职业发展以后,我突然觉得头脑清晰了,豁然开朗了。

8."Perhaps this may turn out to be a cause of misfortune , " said Sai Weng.塞翁反而说:“这或许会带来不幸呢。”

9.Her family and residents of the Guizhou town where she pved (Weng'an) bepeve a son of a local government official raped and killed Li.李树芬的家人和她的所在地贵州甕安县的居民相信,一名地方政府官员的儿子奸杀了李树芬。

10.As the typical represent, Weng Tonghe had an inrooted feepng of backing and adscription to Chinese traditional culture.作为传统士大夫的典型代表的翁同龢,对中国传统文化有根深蒂固的依托感与归属感。