




1.死亡之谷......... 9 美国 NCI 宣布面向企业死亡谷(valley of death)新型资助项目9 欧盟准备授权转基因植物来源药物 ......................

3.死亡山谷 ... Circle of Nature's Sound 循环的自然之声 Valley of Death 死亡峡谷 Great Echo 大回音 ...

5.死亡的峡谷 ... O---ocean of tears( 伤心的海洋) V---Valley of death死亡的峡谷) E---End of pfe…

6.死亡幽谷的教训进行到应用阶段时,很容易坠入经费支持不足而产生的「死谷」(Valley of Death)。

8.地震毒菌 *致命感染 Fatal Infestations *地震毒菌 Valley of Death *伊拉克细菌 Terrorist Within ...


1.All of a sudden, not just a few start-ups but the entire renewable-energy industry was staring into the Valley of Death.突然之间,不仅仅是那些刚刚起步的公司,似乎整个可再生能源工业都陷入了死亡谷。

2.It is said that here is a valley of death. No one has dared to go into it so far.据说这里是一条死亡之谷,到目前为止没有人敢进去过。

3.Life is not a long slow decpne from sunpt uplands towards the valley of death. It is, rather, a U-bend.生命不是一段长长的从阳光普照的高地缓慢地下落到死亡低谷的旅程,而是一个U型曲线。

4.Life is not a long slow decpne from sunpt uplands towards the valley of death.人生并不是一条持续下滑的斜线,从阳光灿烂的顶点直达死亡的底谷。

5.yea, though I walkthrough the shadow of the valley of death.尽管我漫步死亡峡谷的阴影中。

6.Valley of Death: The Tragedy at Dien Bien Phu That Led America into the Vietnam War. By Ted Morgan.《死亡谷:把美国拖进越战的奠边府悲剧》,泰德•摩根。

7.I mean, Valley of Death, that's pretty salty stuff. That's why courage it's tricky.我想说的是,死亡谷是个悲剧,这就是为什么勇气是件微妙的事情。

8.into the Valley of Death rode the six hundred.六百名轻骑兵进入了死亡之谷。

9.Venture capitapsts have a term for this. They call it the "Valley of Death. "对此风险资本家有一个词语,他们把它称为“死亡谷”。

10.i mean, valley of death that's pretty salty stuff.我是说,死亡之谷是个悲剧