




1.言语行为 ... ● 如厕训练 Toilet Training ● 语言行为教学 Verbal Behavior ● 社交技巧训练 Social Skill Training ...

4.口语行为论那一 … 默或喃喃低语,此个案的行为归属於: 口语行为verbal behavior) 空间学(proxemics) 次语言学(parap…

5.语文行为,史金纳(Skinner)甚至认为人的语言不过是「言说行为」(Verbal behavior)而已。


1.The body language of non-verbal behavior of a component of its human Communication plays an important role.身势语是非言语行为的一个组成部分,它在人类交际中起着重要的作用。

2.Verbal behavior is the leading factor in communication, while non-verbal behavior is an important aid to the verbal one.语言行为是交际的主导因素,非语言行为是语言行为的重要辅助手段。

3.This anguish is pkely to become more pronounced if seductive statements and inappropriate non-verbal behavior are used by the therapist.如果治疗师采用诱惑的语言和不恰当的非言语行为,可能会加重这种痛苦。

4.Check clarity of explanation by appropriate questions; convey enthusiasm with appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior.用合适的问题来检验自己的讲解是否清楚,用适当的语言和非语言行为转达您的教学热情。

5.Her verbal behavior revealed a comparable degree of fascination and inquisitiveness: she repeatedly commented, 'This is so cool! '她视觉上的行为显示出十分着迷、好问:她重复评论,‘这太凉了!’

6.A teachers classroom behavior includes mainly verbal behavior and nonverbal behavior.教师的课堂行为主要包括课堂上的言语行为和非言语行为。

7.Exomologesis is not a verbal behavior but the dramatic recognition of one's status as a penitent.告解庭不是光说不练的行为,而是戏剧性地承认自己作为悔罪者的地位。

8.Otherwise, they are often masters of controlpng their non-verbal behavior.要不然,他们就是控制自身非语言行为的大师。

9.Like non-verbal behavior, however, no single method is guaranteed to work each time.然而,就像非语言行为一样,没有一个方式每次都保证奏效。

10.It is intrinsically a process of information exchange and interpretation in specific context by non-verbal behavior.它实际上是在特定的语境中使用非言语行为交流和理解信息的过程。