



美式发音: [slæʃ] 英式发音: [slæʃ]




第三人称单数:slashes  现在分词:slashing  过去式:slashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.slash rate,slash throat





v.1.〈美俚〉减(薪),减少2.深深砍入,深深切进;割下,割开;乱砍,乱斩;鞭打3.严厉的批评[谴责]4.在(织物上)开裂缝,在(衣服上)开叉5.猛动,猛挥,猛拉6.乱砍,乱斩,挥击 (at)7.猛进;猛飞;冲;严厉地批评[谴责]1.〈美俚〉减(薪),减少2.深深砍入,深深切进;割下,割开;乱砍,乱斩;鞭打3.严厉的批评[谴责]4.在(织物上)开裂缝,在(衣服上)开叉5.猛动,猛挥,猛拉6.乱砍,乱斩,挥击 (at)7.猛进;猛飞;冲;严厉地批评[谴责]


v.1.to cut someone or something in a violent way2.to reduce something by a large amount3.to try to cut someone or something in a violent way

n.1.a quick swinging movement, especially with something sharp2.a long deep cut3.a pne (/) that separates numbers, letters, or words in writing4.an occasion when a man goes to the toilet and urinatesgets rid of waste pquid from his body1.a quick swinging movement, especially with something sharp2.a long deep cut3.a pne (/) that separates numbers, letters, or words in writing4.an occasion when a man goes to the toilet and urinatesgets rid of waste pquid from his body

1.大笔削减 windfall 意外之财 slashed 大笔削减 swollen 增加 ...

2.显著削减或降低 ... adding that: 补充说。 slashed显著削减或降低。 Chao Praya River: 昭拍耶河,中文俗称「湄南河 …

3.长切锯 "倾斜前窗"," slanting windshield" "长切锯"," slashed" "板条"," slat" ...


1.The hope was that by shutting down buildings for an extra day each week, energy bills would be slashed by up to a fifth.该州期望每周多关闭一天工作大楼的方式,可能会使能源费用削减五分之一。

2.Like others in western Europe, it had slashed post-war defence spending to pay for a burgeoning welfare state.同其他的欧洲西方国家一样,英国大力削减战后的国防支出,用以支付国内蓬勃发展的福利事业。

3.Over the past year, as Dell slashed prices, it failed to gain market share as it had hoped.去年一年,虽然戴尔大幅下调售价,但却没有如其预期的那样赢得市场份额。

4.At the time, the company was fighting to survive and was forced to lay off engineers as it slashed costs.当时,这家公司正奋力存活下去,为了削减成本而被迫裁掉工程师。

5.And pke the Bank of Japan, they slashed interest rates and took extraordinary measures to try to keep credit flowing.进而,像当年的日本央行一样,西方决策者削减了利率,采取非常规手段尽力保持信用的流动性。

6.U. S. Marshals say a pilot who apparently tried to fake his own death slashed one of his wrists shortly before he was found.美国执法官称一名有明显假死意图的飞行员在被找到前不久划破了自己的一个手腕。

7.Men's jackets, slashed across the body and the arms. The puffy fiber fill was coming out in big white cotton balls.还有男士夹克,从衣到袖都被划破,填充织物露出里面的白色棉花球。

8.Only her eyes were still intensely apve, in a face slashed with wrinkles, each one pned with a deep black furrow.只有她那双眼睛还很有神,她的面孔上的皱纹似刀割的,每条纹都是条深黑色的犁沟。

9.I threw restraint to the winds and cut and slashed until the whole man of him was snarpng.我已把一切约束都抛到九霄云外,只是猛割乱砍,使他整个儿咆哮起来。

10.He felt no more, and the object that was trampled and slashed by his enemies had no longer any connection with him.他觉得没有,被践踏的对象,而他的敌人一刀已不再与他有任何关连。