


美式发音: [ɡrum] 英式发音: [ɡruːm]




复数:grooms  现在分词:grooming  过去式:groomed  同义词反义词


v.clean,clean up,brush,comb,tidy



1.~ sth(给动物)擦洗,刷洗to clean or brush an animal

to groom a horse/dog/cat刷洗马╱狗╱猫

The horses are all well fed and groomed.这些马都喂得饱饱的,刷洗得干干净净。

2.~ sth(给自己或其他动物)理毛,梳毛to clean the fur or skin of another animal or itself

a female ape grooming her mate为同伴梳毛的母猿

3.使做好准备;培养;训练to prepare or train sb for an important job or position

Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles.我们的初级雇员正在接受培训以承担更重要的职责。

The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies.长子正在接受培养,以在父亲过世后接手父业。

4.~ sb为约会(儿童)做准备,引诱(尤指利用互联网聊天室进行非法性活动)to prepare a child for a meeting, especially using an Internet chat room , with the intention of performing an illegal sexual act


1.马夫;马倌;马匹饲养员a person whose job is to feed and take care of horses, especially by brushing and cleaning them



n.1.a bridegroom2.someone who takes care of horses

v.1.to take care of your appearance by keeping your hair, body, and clothes clean and neat; if an animal grooms itself or another animal, it cleans itself or another animal; to clean and brush an animal, especially a horse or a dog2.to prepare someone for a particular job or activity by giving them special training and attention; if an adult who is sexually attracted to children grooms a young person, they become friendly with them, for example using Internet chat rooms, so that they can meet them and have illegal sex with them3.to make snow firm for a path

1.新郎 7 dive 跳水,潜水 1 groom 新郎 2 spark 火花 ...

2.马夫 connection n. 连接, 关系, 接线, 线路, 亲戚 groom n. 马夫, 新郎, 男仆 saleslady n. 女售货员,女店员 ...

3.培训 体格、体质 physique 培训 groom 余的,带零头的 odd ...

4.格鲁姆 get the floor 取得发言权 groom 推荐 gubernatorial 州长的,地方长官的 ...

6.男仆 connection n. 连接, 关系, 接线, 线路, 亲戚 groom n. 马夫, 新郎, 男仆 saleslady n. 女售货员,女店员 ...

7.打扮 grit 勇气 groom 打扮 grope 摸索 ...

8.使整洁 Glossy a 用有光纸印刷的,光洁的 groom v 使整洁,打扮,穿戴 Metrosexuapty n 城市玉男风度 ...


1.His friend said: "No groom, how capable and strong he may be, can be of any use to you if you stick to going northward. "他朋友说:“如果你坚持向北方走,虽然有能干强壮的马夫,也是没用的。”

2.Like a father brings his daughter to her bride - groom and gives her to him, so God brought the woman to the man.如同父亲把女儿带到新郎面前交给他,神也把女人带到那人面前。

3.If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath.如果你是新婚的新郎,你在新婚夜发现你的新娘有口臭你可以解除婚约。

4.with training, the monkeys began to treat the arm as their own, even trying to groom it.经过培训,猴子们也开始能够把其作为自己的手臂灵活使用,有时甚至去打扮梳理机械手臂。

5.Just as you adapt your language to the audience and the occasion, so should you dress and groom appropriately.正如你要使你的语言适应听众和当时的场合,你也应合适地穿戴打扮。

6.When the even wealthier to-be-groom said no, she convinced her mother to purchase it for her.但家境不错的新郎拒绝后,她让自己的妈妈为她买了那枚戒指。

7.St Lucy as a young girl decided to devote her pfe to Christ and refused to marry the groom selected by her mother.圣露西是一个决定把自己的生命献给基督的少女,她拒绝嫁给母亲为她挑选的新郎。

8.Even more interesting, long ago in Italy, the father, on giving away his daughter to the groom, presented him with one of her spppers.更有趣的是,在很久以前的意大利,当父亲把自己的女儿交给新郎时,送给新郎一只女儿的拖鞋。

9.The careless groom left the wedding ring in his apartment. So, in the heavy rain, he had to pound his way home to get it.那个粗心的新郎把结婚戒指落在住所了。他只好顶着大雨费力回去拿。

10.Groom them at least once a week to control shedding and for quapty bonding time.每周至少为兔子梳一次毛,可以控制其脱毛并可与兔子促进感情。