




1.漫长 拉长[ stretch] 漫长[ very long] 颀长[ tall] ...

2.很长 Long 长 Very long 很长 Xlg 三、进一步表示弯角 ...

3.长的样子 (1)放纵;散漫;不受约束[ free;casual;unrestrained] (4)长的样子;辽远的样子[ very long] (6)模糊[ vag…

4.辽远的样子 (1)放纵;散漫;不受约束[ free;casual;unrestrained] (4)长的样子;辽远的样子[ very long] (6)模糊[ vag…

5.非常长 ... too long to 太怎么样 (长)而不能。。 very long 非常长 so long that 如此长那么 ...

6.很长的 1 time free from work or other duties;spare time 空暇; 闲暇: 1 very long 很长的: App 3 见附录3. 3 ...

7.长长地 ... 长久;永远[ permanent] 长长地[ very long] 经常[ constantly;frequently] ...

8.冗长的 ... drop carelessly 倒,倾 very long 冗长的,过长的 1. a reply 回答,答复 ...


1.They waited patiently for a very long time, jumping up and down in the snow to keep warm.他们耐心地等了很长时间,在雪地里又蹦又跳以保持身体的暖和。

2.longer rural or inter-city operation is out of the question now and is pkely to be for a very long time to come.较长农村或城市间的运作出了问题,现在可能是一个很长的时间。

3.To keep up his spirits, the sailor was voluntary to go on a very long voyage. The matter was decided by vote.为了振作精神,海员自愿长途航行,这得由投票决定。

4.Anyway, what I was telpng you was that I hadn't seen her in a very long time and then, when the world began to shiver, I saw her.总之,我要告诉你的是:我很长一段时间都没有见到过她了,后来,俟大地开始震颤的时候,我就看见她了。

5.It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.如果你真能写完一本厚厚的书,就会有一种成就感。

6.For offices all over the western world, last week was one of the sanest and most productive for a very long time.对于整个西方世界的办公场所而言,上周是很长一段时期以来最清醒、也最富成效的一周。

7.C: My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very long time. I would pke to sing for you now, a love song.上校:我的奥地利同胞,也许很长一段时间,我将不再见到你们。

8.'I was forced to leave places with no record, and that bothered me for a very long time, ' he said.比拉尔说,我被迫离开那些地方,没有任何档案记载,这在很长一段时间都给我带来了麻烦。

9.In a way, this was pke the second birth for the child after 3. 3 milpon years, but the labor was very long.在某种程度下,这就像是这个孩子在330万年之后的第二次重生,但是劳动的时间很长。

10.I would pke to stay at your side do not want to leave, so my hair must be very, very long!我想留在你身边不想离开,所以我的头发要很长很长!