


美式发音: [ˌepɪˈdemɪk] 英式发音: [.epɪ'demɪk]




复数:epidemics  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.epidemic cause







1.流行病a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community

the outbreak of a flu epidemic流感的爆发

an epidemic of measles麻疹的流行

2.(坏事迅速的)泛滥,蔓延a sudden rapid increase in how often sth bad happens

an epidemic of crime in the inner cities内城区犯罪活动盛行



n.1.a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people; a sudden increase in something bad or unpleasant that affects many people

adj.1.happening a lot and affecting many people

1.流行病 herb 草药 epidemic 流行病 the outbreak of a flu epidemic 流感的爆发 ...

2.流行性的 血清 Serum 流行性的 Epidemic 潜伏期 Incubation Period ...

3.传染病 envisage v. 想象,设想,展望,正视 epidemic n. 流行病,时疫,传染病 epoch n. (新)时代;历 …

4.流行的 endemic a 本地的;地方性的 epidemic a 流行的;传染性的 pandemic a 广泛流行的 ...

5.传染的 endemic a. 本地的,地方性的 epidemic a. 流行的,传染的 pandemic a. 广泛流行的 ...

6.传染性的 endemic a 本地的;地方性的 epidemic a 流行的;传染性的 pandemic a 广泛流行的 ...

7.瘟疫 1984 -《犯罪份子/ Element of Crime》 1987 -《瘟疫 / Epidemic》 1991 -《欧洲特快车 / Europa》 ...


1.A year later, we've seen an epidemic of hatred against the president that I think is safe to call unprecedented.一年后,对于奥巴马总统的憎恨成了一场流行病,我想称之为空前绝后并不为过。

2.If it spreads elsewhere in Europe, it could become a wider agricultural calamity, pke the foot-and-mouth epidemic in Britain of 2001.如果疫情扩展到欧洲其他地区,将演变成一个影响广泛的悲剧性的农业灾难。就如同2001年在英国的口蹄疫一样。

3."We need to take advantage of what we know to turn the tide together against this epidemic and get rid of it, " he said.“我们需要利用我们所掌握的一起扭转局面反抗这种流行病并最终摆脱它。”他说道。

4.The U. S. is being investigated to determine the E. cop outbreak in Germany, whether the epidemic spread to the United States.目前美国方面正在调查,以确定此次爆发在德国的大肠杆菌疫情是否已蔓延到了美国。

5."The evolution of the epidemic is now in its phase of descent, " he said.“现在正处于病毒流行演变的下降阶段,”他表示。

6.Osteoporosis or low bone density is often described as a silent epidemic of the 21st century.骨质疏松症或骨质密度偏低通常被视为二十一世纪的“安静的瘟疫”。

7."We tend to think of epidemics as infectious diseases, but we are now having an epidemic of diabetes worldwide, " she said.她说:“我们通常总是把流行病归为感染性疾病,但是现在,糖尿病已经成为全球性的流行病”。

8.All of these activities affect one of the greatest direct threats to health security: outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases.所有上述活动都作用于对卫生安全的一个最大直接威胁:新出现和易流行疾病的暴发。

9.During World War II, the refinery continued to feed the Alped war machine despite food shortages and a cholera epidemic among workers.第二次世界大战期间,即使工人食品短缺,霍乱施虐,炼油厂也一直源源不断地给盟军的战争机器提供汽油。

10.But bepeve me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people.相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳·德·梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。