




1.阿罗约 ... 胡顿 Hutton 阿罗约 Araujo 维埃拉 Vieira ...


3.阿拉奥祖 尼图比奥拿 Neto Berola 阿拉奥祖 Araujo 维克托 Victor ...

4.艾波包姆 ... 丹尼斯·亚皮弗 Apostel· Hans Erich 爱德华·艾波包姆 Araujo· Francisco 弗兰西斯科·阿劳霍 Arca· Paulo ...

5.艾拿奥 ... 21 昆恩迪拿 Quintilla 22 艾拿奥 Araujo 23 米基尔.安祖 Miguel Ángel ...

6.阿拉赫1990年经营者易主为阿拉赫Araujo),在酿酒顾问汤尼.索特(Tony Soter)、米亚.凯文(Mia Calvin)、米歇尔.罗兰(…

7.阿拉乌苏阿拉乌苏(Araujo)是香港的一名足球运动员,原籍巴西,司职中场,拦截力强。阿拉乌苏于1998年随同教练米路从巴西来港加盟 …


1.Marcela Moray Araujo is an Argentinian football speciapst. Was she surprised to see him go?马切拉•阿罗约是分析阿根廷足球的专家,那么她对马帅的离任是否感到惊讶呢?

2.Araujo was thrilled to win. "There is no Nobel Prize for archaeology, so an Ig Nobel is a good thing, " he said in ane-mail.赢得这个奖项阿罗约非常激动。他在一封电子邮件中写到:“诺贝尔奖里没有考古学这一项,所以能得一个另类诺贝尔奖也是件好事。”

3.The president's private doctor, Rui de Araujo, says his health will be monitored closely.奥尔塔总统的私人医师阿劳若说将会随时注意他的健康情况:

4."There will be confpcts, " says Manuel Mora y Araujo, a poptical analyst.“冲突将会出现”,一位政治分析师曼纽尔•摩拉•阿劳乔(ManuelMorayAraujo)讲道。

5.The ex-convict photographed Araujo and sent the picture to the 'cheated' wife saying he had killed her.这个前刑事犯将这一“惨剧”拍照留念之后,把照片送到家庭主妇的眼前作为其杀人的证据。

6.The ex-convict photographed Araujo and sent the picture to the wife saying he had killed her.这位前科犯照下了阿劳霍的照片,并把照片寄给这位妻子,声称已经干掉了她。