




1.自愿做某事 begin to do 开始做某事 volunteer to do 自愿做某事 pretend to do 假装做某事 ...

2.志愿做某事 搭建舞台 set up the stage 志愿做某事 volunteer to do 空闲时间 free time ...

3.主动 in terms of 有关于,涉及到… volunteer to do sth 主动,志愿 A-E be about to do 刚要,即将 ...

4.自愿作某事 ... 24. after a long week of classes 上完一周课之后 27. volunteer to do sth 自愿作某事 1.get in the way of 妨碍 ...


1.Her idea is for a business where high school students volunteer to do small tasks for old people.她的商业想法是高等学校的学生志愿者可以为老年人做一些工作。

2.Would you volunteer to do things that other people should do in an office?在办公室里你会主动去分担别人的工作吗?(为什么?)

3.We urgently need a volunteer to do videotaping . If you can help, please contact the Vice Principal, Mr. Henry Chen.目前急需录影人才﹐若有家长愿意帮忙﹐请尽快与副校长陈恒毅联系。

4.If you volunteer to do something you are doing it of your own free will.如果你志愿做某事,你就是凭着自己的意愿去做的。

5.the opportunity for a volunteer to do the stunt had manifested itself, however.出现了一次自愿表演特技的机会。

6.By pmiting miptary service only to those individuals who volunteer to do it, pubpc opposition to wars of choice is more easily contained.由于军队只招募志愿参军的人士,公众对于这些可打可不打的战争的反对情绪就容易消化得多了。

7.Offer to undertake; come forward of one's own accord; volunteer to do sth.自愿请求担任某种艰巨的工作。

8.Or even better, volunteer to do so when you have time.更为理想的是,在你有时间的时候,主动去帮助同事。

9.Do you volunteer to do this job ?你是自愿做这个工作的吗?

10.volunteer to do some voluntary work for the show志愿为演出做些志愿的工作