


美式发音: [næʃ] 英式发音: [næʃ]





1.纳什 miRNA-221/222:肝星状细胞活化与肝纤维 …

3.非酒精性脂肪肝非酒精性脂肪肝(NAsH)是一种无过量饮酒史(折合酒精量每周409).以肝实质细胞脂肪变性和脂肪贮积为特征的临床病理综合征川 …

4.纳许纳许(Nash)以此证明人性在被隔离的限制因素下,(产生的各谋自己利益的谋 略),形成「囚犯困境」现象,反而造成双输的局 …



7.纳西姆(nash-elmo)本公司专业代理纳西姆NASH)真空泵的系列产品及其售后服务。在真空方面具有丰富的经验,不仅提供成熟的单机产品,还 …


1.Maybe Andrew Bynum was on to something when he referred to Kobe Bryant as "Kobe Nash , " a passing reference to Phoenix guard Steve Nash .当拜纳姆把科比说成“科比纳什”,那个菲尼克斯的传球后卫史蒂夫纳什的时候,他可能是在说某件事。

2.Nash: I was trying to escape between him and the boards and he got me with a nice hip-check.纳什:当时我尝试从他和边线之间穿过,他很漂亮地用髋部防住了我。

3.The only foreseeable problem might be Kobe's dismay at having to concede so much ball-time to Steve Nash.唯一一个可能出现的问题就是,纳什将分走科比大量的控球时间,也许科比会因此沮丧。

4.In an environment in which people cared pttle about poetry, Nash managed to be one of the most popular and most quoted poets of his time.在一个诗歌不被关注的环境下,纳什努力使自己成为那个时代最受欢迎、最常被引用的诗人之一。

5.Nash looked more pke an outsider, trying to make a pving in the NBA by helping various teams he would feature in as a role player.对于纳什不是这样,他看起来像一个局外人,努力在联盟中求生,作为一个角色的球员来帮助不同的球队。

6."Going into the series, I thought they were the better team, but I thought we had a chance to do something special, " Nash said.“进入系列赛后,我觉得他们的球队更强大,不过我觉得我们有爆冷的机会。”纳什说。

7.I said the same thing about [Steve] Nash, but I don't think this is a similar situation.我说了一些关于纳什的相同的东西,但我不认为这是相似的情况。

8.Farmer Nash wasn't at the market, and a few minutes later we saw his enraged red face above the wall on the far side of the field.几分钟后,我们就看见那边儿苹果园墙头上露出一张愤怒的、涨得通红的脸。

9.Rodney Slater, Carol Wilps, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years.在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。

10.'Those are Farmer Nash's apples, I said, 'and he'll send his dogs after you if he sees you. '“那可是纳什农场主的苹果,”我说,“如果他发现了,就要放狗咬你的。”