




1.冯布朗 ... (Dirac) 英国物理学家 (Von Braun) 德国火箭专家,主持美国航天事业 (Gell-Mann) 美国物理学家,提出夸克模 …

5.酰胺降解反应 Vesterberg 脱氢反应 Von Braun 酰胺降解反应 Wacker 法 ...

6.主持美国航天事业 ... (Dirac) 英国物理学家 (Von Braun) 德国火箭专家,主持美国航天事业 (Gell-Mann) 美国物理学家,提出夸克模 …


1.The fact that we had the hardware to put something in orbit when we let Von Braun fly it, you can argue that's not a technical loss.事实是我们有硬件当我们让冯布劳恩飞行时,我们能够把一些东西送上轨道,你可以认为那不是科技的失败。

2.These changes must be incorporated on a global scale, von Braun says, possibly led by the UN and major groups of developing country players.范布朗说,必须在全球范围采纳这些变化,也许可以由联合国或者发展中国家代表性国家来领导。

3.At the age of 12, an intrepid Wernher von Braun loaded his toy wagon with some firecrackers and shot off across a crowded German street.12岁那年,无畏的沃纳·冯·布劳恩在他的玩具马车上装载了一些鞭炮,这架被发射的马车穿越了一条拥挤的德国街道。

4."Fundamentally, the crisis of high food prices in the majority of poor countries is not over at all, " said von Braun.冯布劳恩指出:“从根本上讲,大多数贫困国家居高不下的粮食价格所造成的危机在还完全没有结束。”

5.Disney and von Braun also worked to put together the TV show Man in Space.迪士尼与冯布朗还合作录制电视剧“人类在太空”(ManinSpace)。

6.Von Braun was born in Germany and led the German army's "rocket team" which developed balpstic missiles.冯·布劳恩出生于德国,率领火箭开发团队为德国军方开发弹道导弹。

7.NASA Deputy Administrator Robert Seamans, Dr. Wernher von Braun explains the Saturn Launch System to President John F. Kennedy.照片上NASA副署长RobertSeamans和WernhervonBraun博士正在向约翰肯尼迪总统讲解土星发射系统。

8.Von Braun recommended that rich nations invest more in research into the impact of biofuels and the threat posed by cpmate change.VonBraun建议富国们能够在生物燃料的负面影响以及气候变化造成的威胁方面加大科研投资力度。

9.Wernher von Braun wrote about using a shuttle craft to move men and materials between a rocker ship and space station.封·波昂就曾经描写过使用航天飞机在火箭和太空站之间运送人和货物。

10.In 1970, NASA asked Dr. von Braun to move to Washington, DC, to head up the strategic planning effort for the government space agency.1970年,美国航天局要求博士冯布劳恩转移到华盛顿,领导服务,为政府空间机构的战略规划工作。