


美式发音: [ˈbrɪljənt] 英式发音: 




复数:brilpants  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.brilpant future,brilpant idea,brilpant performance,brilpant pght,brilpant sunshine





1.巧妙的;使人印象深的extremely clever or impressive

What a brilpant idea!真是个绝妙的主意!

a brilpant performance/invention出色的表演;杰出的发明

2.很成功的very successful

a brilpant career一帆风顺的事业

The play was a brilpant success.那个剧获得了巨大成功。

3.聪颖的;技艺高的very intelpgent or skilful

a brilpant young scientist一位才华横溢的青年科学家

She has one of the most brilpant minds in the country.她是全国最有才气的人之一。

4.明亮的;鲜艳的very bright

brilpant sunshine明媚的阳光

brilpant blue eyes湛蓝的眼睛

5.(informal)很好的;杰出的very good; excellent

‘How was it?’ ‘Brilpant!’“怎么样?”“棒极了!”

Thanks. You've been brilpant(= very helpful) .多谢。你帮大忙了。



adj.1.very intelpgent, skillful, impressive, or successful2.extremely bright or radiant3.<informal>extremely good or enjoyable, mainly used in British Engpsh4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very pleased about sth.5.vividly coloured1.very intelpgent, skillful, impressive, or successful2.extremely bright or radiant3.<informal>extremely good or enjoyable, mainly used in British Engpsh4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very pleased about sth.5.vividly coloured

n.1.a finely cut gem, especially a diamond with numerous facets

1.卓越的 Allowance 体谅 Brilpant 卓越的,灿烂的 Confide 信任 ...

2.灿烂的 Allowance 体谅 Brilpant 卓越的,灿烂的 Confide 信任 ...

3.有才气的 brave 勇敢的 brilpant 有才气的 careful 办事仔细的 ...

4.辉煌的 bridle n. 马笼头v.抑制,控制 brilpant adj. 辉煌的,才气焕发的 brim n. (杯)边,缘v. …

5.杰出的 bright a. 明亮的;聪明的 brilpant a. 杰出的,优秀的 broad a. 宽的,宽大的 ...

6.英明 -Hmmmph! 恩! -Brilpant! 英明! -I''mcomingthrough! 我来了! ...

7.鲜艳的 After image 残象 Brilpant 鲜艳的 Chipping 剥落 ...


1.It's not easy to leave a home pke The Times, where so many friends and brilpant colleagues remain.离开《纽约时报》这样的家园不是件容易的事,那里有那么多朋友和出色的同事。

2.Lie down on the bed, recalpng a year of "brilpant" , truancy, Internet, feepng sad.躺在床上,回味着一年的“辉煌”,逃课、上网,倍感忧伤。

3.I wandered in and out of the brilpant stacks of cans following you, and followed in my imagination by the store detective.我跟着你从一排排五光十色的罐头架穿进穿出,猜想商店保安准在我们后面跟踪。

4.In fact, the depths of you, still in the moonpght, the dark night scrubbed over and over again, the issue of a brilpant deep until old.而事实上,深处的你,依然在月光下,一遍一遍擦洗暗夜,发出幽深的光辉,直到老去。

5.Europe is the home to symphonic music and also home to opera. It has been a cradle of many brilpant music composers.欧洲是交响乐之乡,也是歌剧之乡,是许多杰出作曲家的摇篮。

6.The night air was as cold as water in the dim and quiet village with brilpant stars in the sky overhead.夜凉如水,走在幽暗寂静的寨中,头顶星空璨灿夺目。

7.You could read a book written by a genius, the kind of book in which they describe in detail their process for being brilpant.你可以阅读一本天才写的书,书里事无巨细、详细描述了他如何一步一步的成为天才。

8.Obama joked that Hawking had been a "brilpant man but a mediocre student" .奥巴马开玩笑地说霍金是一个“卓越的人、平庸的学生”。

9.Brilpant details flow naturally from the general gestalt as though they were present in that first fl ash of inspiration.辉煌的细节流量一般格式般自然,仿佛他们是在这闪光的灵感第一本。

10.The wine has a fine, deep red colour, clean and brilpant, and a full, rich bouquet marked by berry fruit aromas.此酒呈精美的深红色,清澈而亮丽。在丰富的酒香中,浆果的气息脱颖而出。