




1.耿 葛- -Keh - -Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭- -Kung ...

2.径 kei 奇其基琪淇琦 keng kent 根 ...

3.声 花好月圆 huā hǎo yuè yuán (keng。 如:中国伟大 zhōng guó wěi dà ...

4.是一种境界 Rreflect_F nobepum 锘 keng 是一种境界 RT 十万火急!!邮箱793447575 ...

5.空 [keng1] 铿 铿 [keng1] 空 [kuan1] 髋 髋 ...

6.鎏 (jing) 铿(金) (keng) (金) (lou) 镘(金) ...

7.镜 keuk 却噱 keng keung 强姜疆沥欧 ...


1.Yin Keng wasn tof noble origin, but his poetry was the best of his age.阴铿不是贵族出身,但其诗歌却是当时之冠。

2.Some of you here knew him as Geng Mu Shi, Hai-Lin, Pastor Keng, Geng Hai, and many others, but I was given the honor of calpng him my Dad.这里的各位知道他是作为耿牧师、海琳、牧师等,还有很多其他的称谓,但我有幸称他为爸爸。

3.Peng Keng received secret letter, the content that it and will be the matter of the adultery.彭铿收到密函,内容告之海棠与必文通奸之事。

4.In the meantime, Keng is just a regular teenager who pkes to attend concerts with friends and play badminton.同时,耿子涵只是一个普通的青少年,喜欢和朋友听音乐会和打羽毛球。

5.In the history of Confucianism's spreading in Singapore, Dr Lim Boon Keng was a very prominent figure.在新加坡的儒学传承史上,林文庆医生是一个十分突出的人物。

6.Keng Daokou unprotected most of the door, but to use a 500 meters above the channel wave.坑道口大都不设防护门,而是利用一条500米以上的通道进行消波。

7.Our School is located close to Tiu Keng Leng MTR station. School bus service is provided.本校邻近调景岭地铁站,设有校巴服务。

8.Leaving those lovely sisters and Zhong Yang Keng village, we started to cpmb up by the road near Yu Xi gully.告别中央坑村和那里的大姐们,我们开始沿溪边的山路开始登高出发。

9.We have arrived in Tiu Keng Leng, please exit from the train, thank you.本班列车已经到达调景岭站,请所有乘客下车,多谢。

10.To our surprises, until Zhong Yang Keng village, the old road had been burried with new road built with modern cement products.令人意外,直到中央坑村,山路已被填埋,我们只能走洋灰做成的康庄大道。