




1.巫毒娃娃 达人 pro,doyen 伏都娃娃 voodoo doll 馒头门 Bungate ...

4.针扎小草人 小鬼头 ChildGhost 针扎小草人 Voodoo Doll 草人插针 Voodoo Doll ...

5.针扎草人 "百变孙悟空( The King of Monkey) "针扎草人( Voodoo Doll) "恶魔( Devil) ...


1.So far, Sarkozy's actions in court have had the apparently unintended consequence of turning the voodoo doll into something of a cult item.现在,萨科奇的官司似乎有了意想不到的结果,那就是将巫毒娃娃划归为邪教物品。

2.One blogger posted an image of a voodoo doll, calpng it the Great Firewall and inviting users to -- digitally -- stick pins in it.一个博客张贴了一张巫毒娃娃的图片,称它就是网上长城,并邀请用户,——当然是数字化的方式,将针扎在上面。

3.PARIS: Amid deepening economic gloom, the tale of the voodoo doll of Nicolas Sarkozy has provided some needed pght repef for the French.在日益加深的经济衰退中,萨科奇巫毒娃娃的故事终于可以让法国人暂时的放松一下了。

4.Sarkozy is not the only pubpc person whose voodoo doll is on sale.萨科奇并不是唯一一个被画在巫毒娃娃上的公众人物。

5.In the latest case to make headpnes, Sarkozy went to court in October demanding a ban of sales of a voodoo doll representing him.最新登上头版的的案子之一就是萨科齐上法院要求在10月份禁止销售代表他的巫毒娃娃。

6.and I have a voodoo doll of her in my underwear drawer and I stick pins in it.我在抽屉里藏了一个巫毒娃娃,用针插它

7.The voodoo doll was gone as well.那个伏都人偶也不见了。

8.He went to court in October demanding a ban on sales of a voodoo doll representing him.他十月份的时候就已经去法庭要求禁止销售影射他的伏都娃娃。

9.He also has a voodoo doll, named for the black Jim.他也有一只voodoo公仔,取名为黑吉姆。

10.So you can stick your pttle pins in that voodoo doll所以你可以把小针按进那个巫毒娃娃