


美式发音: [ˈmɑrtʃɑ] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:rtʃɑ:]





1.玛西亚 Mandy 曼蒂 拉丁 值得爱的 Marcia 玛西亚 拉丁 女战神 Marguerite 玛格丽特 希腊 珍珠 ...

2.马西娅 comppment n. 称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺 marcia [意大利][音]进行曲 pitfalls n. 缺陷 ...

6.玛西亚……女战神 Mandy 曼蒂……值得爱的 Marcia 玛西亚……女战神 Marina 马丽娜……属于海洋的 ...

7.玛西亚拉丁女战神 Mandy 曼蒂拉丁值得爱的。 Marcia 玛西亚拉丁女战神。 Margaret 玛格丽特拉丁珍珠。 ...


1.Marcia said as she searched through the boxes and chests in the upper level of her Grandmothers house that looked a bit messy.玛西娅边说边在那些盒子、箱子中翻找着。奶奶的楼上看上去有点儿凌乱不堪。

2.And the best of it was that Marcia did not in the least appreciate Mike's eagerness to help.而最令人发噱的是,迈克很想帮忙,可是玛西娅一点也不领情。

3.Super-spm Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross was spotted dining at a restaurant a few years back with her now husband Tom Mahoney.几年前,曾有人见到过《绝望主妇》中的超瘦明星MarciaCross和她现在的丈夫汤姆马奥尼在一家餐馆用餐。

4.Than Lana told Ben she was mad at Marcia , and that she wasn't going to house on Friday .随后琅达告诉本她对迈开而很厌恶,她不打算去参加星期五的聚会。

5.Marcia's $100 donation to the children's charity was very benevolent of her.玛西亚给儿童慈善机构捐赠了100美元,她真是个乐善好施的人。

6.Marcia Clark followed with a statement laying out the facts proving Simpson's guilt that the prosecution would estabpsh during the trial.玛西亚克拉克随后发表控词指出检方将在审理期间证实的证明辛普森有罪的事实。

7.However, Marcia called everyone and told them that she was going to have the party.不管怎么说,玛西娅给每个人都打电话,并告诉他们.她要开聚会了。

8.Yeah, then Lana called Marcia and told her that she could bring some drinks and snacks to her house on Friday night.是的。后来,兰娜打电话给马西娅告诉她周五晚上她可以带些饮料和小吃去她家。

9.She said she was mad at Marcia.她说她在生马西娅的气。

10."We're arresting more people from out of town, " said Marcia Dennis, the city's graffiti abatement coordinator.“我们逮捕到了更多外城人,”该城减少涂鸦协调员玛西娅•丹尼斯(MarciaDennis)说道。