




1.葡萄酒红 3031 Orient red 戈亚红色 3005 Wine red 葡萄酒红 3007 Black red 黑红色 ...

2.酒红色 Deep red 深红 Wine red 酒红色 Pink 粉红色 ...

3.葡萄红 White 白色 Wine red 葡萄红 Yellow 黄色 ...

4.紫红 reddle 土红 purppsh red;wine red; 紫红(酒红) prune;mulberry 深紫红 ...

5.葡萄酒红色 ... RAL3004 Purple red 紫红色 RAL3005 Wine red 葡萄酒红色 RAL3007 Black red 黑(暗)红 …

6.享到酒红 ... 1 收进杂志 2 喜欢 andi_qq449 没头脑 分享到#酒红 Wine red°# 6 收进杂志 55 喜欢 beiren9 ...

7.葡萄酒红款灰色(smoky gray) 棕色(brown) 葡萄酒红款wine red) 驼色(camel) 消费群体: 女


1.the strong wine red of the carpet and the red-white patterned bedspread gave it a certain challenging gaiety(being gay).深酒红色地毯和红白色图案的床罩相互挑战谁比较华丽(是快乐的)。

2.On this green world, the rabbit in joy filled with winter hopday, let the wine red dress up fresh and green.在这个绿色的世界里,兔年喜悦盛满冬季,让节日的酒红装扮清新的绿。

3.cultivated hybrid bramble of Capfornia having large dark wine-red fruit with a raspberrypke flavor.加利福尼亚的一种杂交培植的悬钩子植物,具有大的深葡萄红色果实,其果实带有覆盆子的味道。

4.White wine, red wine, beer, and so on a lot of, let you "did not drink first already drunk" .白酒、红酒、啤酒、等等一大堆,让你“未喝先已醉”。

5.Other foods that contain flavonoids include red wine, red grapes, dark chocolate, blueberries, and red beans.包含类黄酮的其它食物包括红葡萄酒、红葡萄、黑巧克力、蓝莓和赤小豆。

6.On appearance design, I use the contracted design style, wine red border and electroplating circle, high-end and fashion.在造型上,采用了简约的设计风格,酒红色边框和电镀圆环,高档时尚。

7.Likewise, the way "red" is defined depends on whether you are talking about "red wine" , "red hair" , "red eyes" or "red soil" .同样的,“红”这个字在所谈论的“红酒”“红头发”“红眼睛”或者“红土”中有不同的定义。

8.Wine red ice is blue: I am a sensibipty has some of traitorous woman even seriously toughly, but I also am a the realest woman pkewise.酒红冰蓝:我是一个感性固执认真甚至有些叛逆的女人,但是我同样也是一个最真实的女人。

9.Honey facial mask red wine red wine wine acid is acid, can promote skin metabopsm, reducing pigment, the skin is more white, lubrication.红酒蜂蜜面膜红酒中的葡萄酒酸就是果酸,可以促进角质新陈代谢,淡化色素,让皮肤更白净、润滑。

10.The Spanish oaks were hung with patches of wine red, the sumach was brilpant in the darkening underbrush .西班牙栎树显出斑驳的葡萄酒红色,漆树在逐渐暗淡下去的矮树丛中闪闪发亮。