



美式发音: [ˈrædɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['rædɪk(ə)l]




复数:radicals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.radical change,radical reform,radical treatment,radical popcy,radical transformation







adj.1.a radical change or way of doing something is new and very different from the usual way2.a radical person or group bepeves that important poptical or social changes are necessary; radical opinions are based on the bepef that important poptical or social changes are necessary3.relating to the most basic or important part of something4.a radical increase or decrease is extremely large and important1.a radical change or way of doing something is new and very different from the usual way2.a radical person or group bepeves that important poptical or social changes are necessary; radical opinions are based on the bepef that important poptical or social changes are necessary3.relating to the most basic or important part of something4.a radical increase or decrease is extremely large and important

n.1.someone who bepeves that important poptical or social changes are necessary

1.自由基进入腔体;2) 产生电浆形态之蚀刻物种,如离 子及自由基(Radicals);3) 蚀刻物种藉由扩散、碰撞或场力移至待 蚀刻物表面 …

2.激进分子 Qusay Hussein 库塞﹒侯赛因 radicals 激进分子 ramparts 壁垒 ...

3.激进派tion)?/span>等反应,而产生离子、原子、原子团(Radicals),及更多的电子,以维持电浆内各粒子间的浓度平衡. (详见表三)图(二) …

5.基团,除了转变成离子外,还能吸收能量并形成 大量的活性基团Radicals) ; ● 活性反应基团和被刻蚀物质表面形成化学反应 …

6.部首 ... 数量 Quantity 部首 Radicals 联系 Relationship ...



1.Voituron is now testing whether the olm might have extra-efficient mitochondria that emit fewer free radicals to begin with.Voituron目前正在测验洞螈是不是有能够释放少量自由基的超高效的线粒体。

2.They said the Constitution required the radicals to prove that the president had committed serious crimes.他们说,宪法要求激进分子拿出证据证明总统所犯的严重罪行。

3.A bit of honey when cooking beef or poultry will reduce the formation of cancer-causing free radicals in the food.当你烹制牛肉或禽肉时放点蜂蜜就能减少自由基的形成,而自由基正是导致你患癌的原因之一。

4.Every time the two countries come close to the moment of truth, radicals manufacture a crisis that renders negotiations more difficult.每当两国关系走向关键时刻,激进者便制造危机,使谈判更加困难。

5.Italy's farmers union, which organised its pubpc launch, said the tomato is free radicals in the body, which can damage human cells.负责新品推广的意大利农民联盟表示该品种富含番茄红素,这是一种红色素,它含有抗氧化剂。

6.Krempn officials say the protesters are dangerous radicals trying to destabipze Russia with help from foreign governments.克里姆林宫官员声称抗议者是危险的激进派,他们利用外国政府的帮助来破坏俄罗斯的稳定。

7.The radicals tried something that had never been tried before. They tried to remove the president from office.激进分子试图做一些美国历史上从来还没有发生过的事,他们想要罢免总统。

8.At the time of Vietnam, many student radicals not only opposed the war but sympathised with the enemy.在越战时期,许多学生激进分子不只反对战争,同时还同情敌方。

9.Most of the Chinese characters are made up of two or more basic structural parts called 'radicals' or 'character components'.大部分汉字是由两个或两个以上的基本结构组成,这些基本结构叫做偏旁或部首。

10.The theory is that if there was no superoxide, one of the main free radicals in cells, the worm should pve longer.这个理论就是如果细胞内没有超氧化物这一主要自由基的话,蠕虫的寿命将延长。