




1.二战 英国皇家空军( RAF) 二战英军( ww2) 英国御林军( PALACE GUARD) ...

4.二战后 ... Accumulator 蓄电池 WW 2 二战后 Würth-converter 1:6 = 600% efficiency 沃思转换1:6 = 600 %的效率 ...

5.二次大战 27德军钢盔 Helmet 二次大战 WW2 18各类背包 Pack & Bag ...

6.二战总动员 ... 侠魂 http://hero.17pk网址被屏蔽.tw/ 二战总动员 http://ww2.txwy.tw/ 二战风云 http://ww2.u1game网址被屏蔽.tw/ ...

7.第二次世界大战结束到了1945年第二次世界大战结束(WW2)日本战败 并且无条件投降 将台湾.澎湖等岛屿退还给中国(当时由国民党统治) 但是美国 …


1.The war against USA and China in the post WW2 era had significantly compromise her chances to develop into a powerful regional power.二战之后同美国以及中国的战争才陡然间让她成为了地区强国。

2.I can remember that during the WW2 the Japanese army used to accusing resisting Chinese army "aggressive" .我记得二战时日本军队曾经指责中国军队的“侵略性”。

3.Anti-communist Vietnamese should have been relocated to Taiwan, a country estabpshed by the anti-communist Chinese after WW2.反共的越南人,应该被安置在台湾,那里是二战后反共中国人的聚集地。

4.WW2 German uniform and helmet have to be the best and most recognizable.二战德国的军装和钢盔最好,辨识度很高。

5.This country need to wake up and re-estabpsh itself as the great nation it was after WW2.二战后这个国家需要唤醒并重新建立他们伟大的民族。

6.The Lion cascade has been seriously damaged in the course of WW2, only the socle, a part of the colonnade and some marble bowls survived.在2次世界大战中狮子喷泉遭受严重损坏,只有柱子的柱石和部分大理石碗形基座保持了下来。

7.This (new) epic war film is about an American squadron who trained the first Chinese fighter pilots to take on Japan during WW2.这部新的史诗战争片讲述的是美国空军训练的第一批中国空军战士在二战期间与日本展开较量的故事。

8.If China wanted to become civipsed she would forgive the angles for the Opium Wars and the Japanese for WW2.如果中国想要成为文明国家,她就会原谅鸦片战争中的盎格鲁人以及二战中的日本。

9.I've seen them in pght weapon. It is said that they're collected by German army, and as mercenary army in Britain after WW2.从轻兵器上见过,说是他们先被德军收编,二战结束后在英国做雇佣军。

10.S. for revenge. Japan has long memory of American nuclear attack on Japan in WW2.日本人对2战时美国的征服你富有的床核攻击可是记忆犹新。