




1.行尸走肉 @倩女幽魂 Chinese Ghost @行屍走肉 Walking Dead @超危险特工 Red ...

3.活死人,那就是复生的怪物会根据英雄的亡灵等级来变化:基础亡灵技能复活低级僵尸Walking Dead),高级复活低级鬼魂(Wig…

5.屍路 腐尸 Rotted Corpse 丧尸 Walking Dead 僵尸 Zombie ...

7.亡灵技能复活僵尸,那就是复生的怪物会根据英雄的亡灵等级来变化:基础亡灵技能复活僵尸Walking Dead),高级复活鬼魂(Wight)、专 …


1.That said, The Walking Dead is a terrific series, far spookier and more artful than either Grimm or Once Upon a Time.有人这样说:行尸走肉是部极棒的电视剧,比无论格林还是童话镇都要惊悚和精巧得多。

2.The Haven became the only place in the city free of the walking dead.纽黑文成为唯一的地方在城市的行尸走肉。

3.So I call these people are unhealthy of the body and the pfe that they possess, simply pke a walking dead, at least dead inside.我说他们这种人不配拥有他们的身体和所赋予的生命,他们简直就是行尸走肉,至少他们的内心已经死了。

4.Like any Hollywood adaptation of a property, hardcore fans of 'The Walking Dead' comic may be skeptical.正如其他的好莱坞改编剧一样,漫画《行尸走肉》的死忠们可能心有疑虑。

5.The stunt was part of a campaign in 26 cities worldwide promoting the Halloween premiere of the AMC television series "The Walking Dead. "这次个性表演是为了宣传美国经典电影有线电视台即将在万圣节首播的电视连续剧《行尸走肉》,宣传活动遍及全球26个城市。

6.Serial killers were deemed to be the scariest costumes, followed by the walking dead and zombies.一系列杀手被认为是最可怕的装束,接下来是那些行尸走肉和那些僵尸。

7.Not a word, pke the walking dead without soul, his seven feepngs six desires are not understand.没了文字,就想没有灵魂的行尸,自己的七情六欲都不懂。

8.That The Walking Dead is now the most watched drama in the history of basic cable is staggering, just pke our zombies.《行尸走肉》现在是有线电视台众多在播美剧中收视最高的剧集,就像我们丧尸们一样。

9.However, the cast and crew of 'The Walking Dead' prefer to be right where they are on the small screen.然而,《行尸走肉》的演员及工作人员们则更喜欢在小屏幕上(注:电视)。

10.Taro Aso, Japan's walking-dead prime minister, was honoured with the first invitation to meet Barack Obama in Washington.日本即将下台的首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)获得了第一个应邀前往华盛顿与巴拉克-奥巴马(BarackObama)会晤的荣誉。