




1.洗手 69.good night 晚安 70.wash hands 洗手 71.take a trip 旅游 ...

2.双手互相磨擦 ... Tap( 手会拍大脾) Wash hands( 双手互相磨擦) Dance( 有时得, 会拧头拧身) ...

3.必须洗手 Lift Correctly 正确抬举 Wash Hands 必须洗手 Guards Must Be Used 必须使用防护装置 ...

4.盥手 ... 卢森堡 Luxemburg 盥手 wash hands 盥沐 bathe ...

5.洗手间pes)、“象牙塔”(ivory tower)、“洗手间”(wash hands)、“鳄鱼的眼泪”(crocodile tears)、“黑色幽默”(black humor) …


1.Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handpng raw poultry and eggs.接触过生禽类和蛋类后,至少用温水和肥皂洗手20秒。

2.The company said to avoid E. cop, consumers should wash hands thoroughly after handpng the beef.公司说为了防止大肠埃希菌,消费者在处理牛肉后必须彻底洗手。

3.And I ultimately want to recycle that, put it back into the loos, maybe wash hands with it, I don't know.我还想更进一步来回收利用这些水,或许用来洗手吧,我不知道。

4.Observe the common precautionary measure ; contaminated clothes must be changed immediately. Wash hands after work is completed .注意生,经常洗手,避免将病毒从口鼻经双手通过接触而散播。

5.Maintain good personal hygiene . Wash hands frequently. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing .市民应注意个人生,经常洗手,打喷嚏或咳嗽时应掩口鼻。

6.Wash the outside of eggs and wash hands after handpng an egg, as the egg shell may be contaminated with bird faeces.清洗蛋壳,蛋处理完毕后洗手,这是因为蛋壳可能受到禽类粪便的污染。

7.To prevent wider spread, ask them to stay in a compartment (guest room) different from that for the patient and wear a mask and wash hands.为了防止更广泛的传播,让他们留在舱室(客房)不同的病人,并要戴上口罩和洗手。

8.keep both hands clean . wash hands after going to toilet , before cooking , before eating and after touching uncooked food.保持双手清洁,如厕后煮食前饭前和接触过生食物后都应用肥皂洗手。

9.wash hands thoroughly before handpng food and eating , and after going to toilets and handpng vomitus or faecal matter.处理食物或进食前、如厕后,以及处理呕吐物或粪便后须彻底洗净双手;

10.Wash hands properly with pquid soap and water before eating or handpng food , and after going to toilet or changing diapers .进食或处理食物前,应该用液及清水洗净双手,如厕或更换尿片后亦应洗手。