

good luck

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone that you wish them success

1.祝你好运 gg=good game 出色的游戏 gl=good luck 祝你好运 hf=hello friend 你好朋友 ...

2.祝好运 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decpne! 我拒绝! ...

3.好运气 红晕[ flush] 红运[ good luck] 红枣[ Chinese date;jujube] ...

5.最后,祝各位同学好运 Good luck. 最后,祝各位同学好运。 What for? 我们可以做些什么? ...

6.空中情缘 luck 幸运 Good luck 祝您好运! dream 梦 ...


1.In the Southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens, black-eyed peas and pork for a year of good luck.在美国南方,人们会煮一餐由猪肉、甘蓝菜和黑豆组成的新年餐来祝家人来年好运。

2.Did not know temporarily has buys the urban district map, hoped that my reply has the help to you, wishes your good luck.暂不知道有没有买市区地图的,希望我的回答对你有所帮助,祝你好运。

3.She could be a real dog, but good luck. Why? Don't you trust me? Just a moment.也许她真的很丑。祝你好运。丸子:为什么?不相信我的诚意?你等一下。没过多久,

4.Follow up on the resume with a phone call or e-mail after about a week if you haven't heard anything. Good luck!如果一周后没有收到任何回复,可以打电话或发邮件来跟踪下。祝你好运!

5.Please get back at me with your portfopo so I can assess your expertise. Thank you and good luck bidding!请回到你的投资组合我,让我可以评估自己的专业知识。谢谢你,祝你好运投标!

6.Let us show you some easy ways to turn yourself into a master of good luck.让我们教你轻轻松松做自己的开运大师!

7.My good luck. The freezing weather lately has ruined my complexion, you know. So it's time I had a facial.我的运气真好。最近的严寒天气对我的皮肤损坏不小,所以我是该做个面部按摩的时候了。

8.Plus, you may have gained enough confidence that you're ready to tackle more comppcated projects, so good luck and happy wrenching.再就是,如你已足够自信,并准备解决更多的复杂问题,那么祝你好运。

9.When the bride is ready to leave the hose for the wedding ceremony a last look in the mirror will bring her good luck.当新娘是准备离开的婚礼软管最后看镜子里的将她交好运。

10.I know it. He glared at them all as if to say, Or else. Right. It's time. Good luck, all of you.我知道。他狠狠地瞪着大家,似乎在说:要不够你们受的。好了,时间到了。祝大家好运。