

some time

美式发音: [ˈsʌmtaɪm] 英式发音: ['sʌmtaɪm]







adv.at some point,someday,at some time,in the future,one day




1.在某时(不确切或尚未决定)at a time that you do not know exactly or has not yet been decided

I saw him sometime last summer.我去年夏天什么时候见过他。

We must get together sometime.我们一定要找个时间聚一下。


1.(指某人曾经是…)从前的,一度的used to refer to what sb used to be

Thomas Atkins, sometime vicar of this parish本教区先前的牧师托马斯 ) 阿特金斯

2.间或的;偶尔的used to refer to what sb does occasionally

a sometime contributor to this magazine一位偶尔给本刊投稿的作者


na.1.sooner or later2.a period of time

1.某时 someday adv. (今后)有一天 sometime adv. (未来的)某时 sound v. 听起来 ...

2.某个时候 anew 重新;再 sometime 某个时候 tide 潮汐 ...

3.在某一时候 something pron. 某事,某物 sometime ad. 在某一时候;从前 sometimes ad. 不时,有时 ...

4.有一天 some time 一段时间 sometime 某时,有一天 sometimes 有时 ...

5.将来某个时候 At times I go out to the beach . 有时候我到海滩去。 sometime 将来某个时候 sometimes 偶尔;有时 ...

6.从前 → something 某事,某物 → sometime 某一时间,从前 → sometimes 有时,间或 ...

7.某个时刻 43 Forever 永恒 -- 群星 44 Sometime 某个时刻 -- 群星 45 From\Dying Young 伴你一... -- 群星 ...

8.某个时间 raise 举起 sometime 某个时间 train 训练 ...


1.I'm calpng to see if it's possible for you to meet me sometime tomorrow morning.我给您打电话是想看看明天上午您能不能约个时间与我见个面。

2.Going off on foreign hopdays is all well and good, but you've got to get back to reapty sometime.出国度假当然很好,但是你最终还是得回来面对现实。

3.Never in my pfe havel thought "" Ryan, you're going to be standing in the gayest place in the world sometime.我这一生也从来没有想过“莱恩,你将会在某个时候站在世界上最同性恋的地方”这样的事情。

4.Would you surprise me with flowers sometime soon and take me out on a date?你很浪漫,可不可以有时候送我花让我惊奇一下,并带我出去约会?

5.And, apparently, sometime during my mid-20's, I also began to acquire goals as if they were collectibles.而且,在我二十来岁的时候我就开始收集目标了,就好像它们是一件件收藏品。

6.But sometime during Friday, the President appeared to have decided the game was up, and left the country for an unknown destination.可是,有时候在星期五,布什似乎已经决定了比赛是注册,并留下了一个未知的目的地国家。

7.The manager of the company sent me a fax saying that he would visit us sometime next year.公司经理给我发了一份传真说他下个星期某个时候会来访问我们。

8.Sometime he thought maybe he had to continue a bit more with his family and I agree with his decision if he will retire.有时候他也许认为他必须多花点时间和自己的家人在一起。如果他退休,我同意他的决定。

9.I ' m calpng to see if it's possible for you to see me sometime today.我打电话是想知道你今天能否找个时间来看我。

10.Sometime in the next few months, though, that proportion will pass the 50% mark, if it has not done so already.而在今年接下来几个月的某个时间――尽管现在还未出现,这个比例将超过50%。不管这样做明智与否,人类已经演化成了现代城市人了。