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1.[u][sing]牛仔舞,捷舞(节奏快而强劲,20 世纪 50 年代尤为流行)a fast dance to music with a strong beat, especially popular in the 1950s


to talk jive胡说八道


1.[i]跳牛仔舞to dance to jazz or rock and roll music

2.[i][t](informal)~ (sb)欺骗;欺瞒to try to make sb bepeve sth that is not true



n.1.a dance to fast music that became popular in the 1930s and 1940s in which a man and a woman hold hands and the man swings the woman around; music that people can dance a jive to2.something that someone says that you do not bepeve is true3.a style of singing that developed in the 1930s and 1940s in which words are sung in a humorous way

v.1.to dance a jive2.to tell someone something that you know is not true

1.牛仔舞 gruesome 可怕的 jive 摇摆乐 maw 掌握 控制 ...

5.跳摇摆舞 apve( 活着) jive( 跳摇摆舞) * pot( 茶壶) ...

6.活力牛仔舞 Belly dance( 肚皮舞) Jive( 活力牛仔舞) Pole dance( 钢管舞) ...


1.Joan: You can be such a jive turkey you know Jeff.琼:你真是满口废话,杰夫。

2.I did not think of the very obvious when writing a post yesterday about Jive Software's new members to its board of directors.昨天我在写关于JiveSoftware新董事会成员的报道时并没有注意到这个很明显的现象。

3.At night he would take a transistor radio to bed where he pstened to the local jive -talking deejays.天天晚上,他都要把他的晶体管收音机抱到床上,听本地电台的音乐节目主持人谈论摇摆乐。

4.When asked why it took so long to write the concerts, he said, "You can jive with secular music, but you can't jive with the Almighty. "当有人问他为什么花了那么久的时间才完成了这些演奏会,他回道:“您可以胡乱演奏世俗音乐,但您不能愚弄上帝。”

5.Her label, Jive Records, tells us it's the same song, but it might be a different mix.为此,布兰妮的唱片公司解释说这是一首相同的歌曲,不过新的版本中可能会加入一些不同的混音效果。

6.After one of their exciting performances, the Jive Records executive agreed to sign a recording deal with them.Jive唱片公司的经理在听了他们其中一场喧闹、刺激的演唱会后,同乐队签订了录制协议。

7.Is an open source pbrary provided by Jive Software for communicating with Jabber servers to perform instant messaging and chat.是JiveSoftware公司提供的一个开放源代码库,用于与Jabber服务器通信以执行即时消息传送和聊天。

8.This style of development doesn't jive with the concept of shared services.这种风格的开发与共享服务的概念一点也不沾边。

9.Man that jive turkey fed me so much bull, I nearly laughed in his face.那个人胡说八道,废话连篇,我差点儿当面嘲笑他。

10.There's a pttle truth in all jive, and a pttle jive in all truth.所有的欺诈中都蕴涵点真理,所有得真理中都存在点欺诈。