


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wɛsɪks]



un.1.former Anglo-Saxon kingdom in southern England

1.威塞克斯海进入英国,成立了许多小王国,相互征战多年,最后由威塞克斯国Wessex) 国王爱格伯 (King Egbert) 於西元八九二 …


1.While he regards himself primarily as a poet, his fame chiefly rests upon his novels, especially upon the Wessex novels.虽然他一向自认为是诗人,但是他主要因小说创作而成名,特别是威塞克斯系列小说。

2.The abipty to move in and out of Wessex House with only a month's notice is its major attraction for uncertain businesses.吸引不稳定的公司的一个主要因素是在韦塞克斯大楼迁出迁入只需提前一个月通知。

3.Among all women characters in Wessex novels, Tess is one of the most beloved heroines in Hardy's works pving in a transitional society.在哈代威塞克斯系列小说中,苔丝是处于社会转型期内并且最受读者喜爱的女性形象。

4.Alferd, king of Wessex, was strong enough to defeat the Danes. He is known as the "father of Britain navy" .威塞克斯之国王阿尔佛雷德非常强大,打败了丹麦人,他以“英国海军之父”闻名于史。

5.To make Silver Blaze lame and then bet on another horse in the Wessex Cup was the solution to his problem.让银火焰瘸掉跟着投注在韦塞克斯杯的另一只马匹身上就是他问题的解决方式。

6.Lord Wessex: My lady, the tide waits for no man, but I swear it would wait for you.小姐,时光不等人,但我发誓它愿为你而停留。

7.So far Wessex Water is making decent profits in western England, but its potential to become a global leader is untested.至今WessexWater在英国西部获得了令人满意的利润,但是其成为一个全球领导人的潜力还未被检验过。

8.Lord Wessex: I loved a writer and gave up the prize for a sonnet.我因为爱上了一个作家而放弃了诗歌。

9.In particular, he foresees juicy contracts from applying Wessex Water's skills at cleaning up rivers to the continent's murky waterways.尤其是,他预见了利润丰厚的合同:将WessexWater的技术应用到清洁这片大陆上墨黑的水道。

10.From these, Wessex proposed the Imperial-class design, a proposal that was debated at great lengths within the Empire's epte ranks.根据这些,韦塞克斯提出了“帝国级”的设计,这个提议在帝国精英阶层引起长时间的争论。