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1.韦斯顿 ... 图20、弗吉尼亚州华盛顿特区“大瀑布镇”( Great Falls) 图1、马萨诸塞州波士顿市郊区“韦斯顿镇”( …



1.It takes a simple encounter with a child in pain for Dr Weston to reapse how much she misses her own child.对Weston医生而言,只要遇到一个病痛中的儿童,她就会意识到自己是多么想念自己的孩子。

2.However, it was an exceeding good, pretty letter, and gave Mr. and Mrs. Weston a great deal of pleasure.不过,他那封信写得好极了,棒极了,韦斯顿夫妇看了好生高兴。

3.mr . weston was a man of unexceptionable character , easy fortune , suitable age , and pleasant manners.魏斯吞先生有无可非议的品德、富裕的家产、合适的年龄和愉快的态度。

4.Perhaps you think I am come on purpose to quarrel with you, knowing Weston to be out, and that you must still fight your own battle.你也许认为我知道韦斯顿不在家,也知道你还会孤军奋战,便故意来跟你争吵。

5.The child to be born at Randalls must be a tie there even dearer than herself; and Mrs. Weston's heart and time would be occupied by it.兰多尔斯的孩子出世以后,那关系肯定要比她爱玛来得还亲,韦斯顿太太的心思和时间势必要全部花在那孩子身上。

6.In his report, Weston said that he said he saw Lincoln merely standing in the bathroom.在Weston的报告里,他只说他看见Lincoln站在浴室里。

7.Weston's faithful pupil did not forget either at ten, or eleven, or twelve o'clock, that she was to think of her at four.韦斯顿太太的忠实学生在十点钟、十一点或十二点,都没有忘记要在下午四点想想韦斯顿太太。

8.Weston had, by gentle encouragement, overcome so much of her embarrassment, as to bring her to converse on the important subject.兜风的时候,韦斯顿太太温声细语地鼓励她,大大消除了她的局促不安,终于使她谈起了那个重大的话题。

9.She had no doubt of what Mr. Weston was often thinking about.韦斯顿先生时常在想什么,她心里很清楚。

10.It would be very hard upon Mr. Weston if she did not, papa.爸爸,她要是不走,那就太让韦斯顿先生为难了。