

pouring rain

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1.倾盆大雨 cloud-burst 大暴雨 pouring rain 倾盆大雨 freezing rain 冻雨 ...

2.瓢泼大雨 a heavy rainfall 大雨,暴雨 pouring rain 瓢泼大雨 cloudburst (突然的)大暴雨 ...

3.瓢泼大雨中 ﹝月光暗夜下水道﹞ Under Tunel ﹝月光水城Pouring Rain ﹝月光铁路﹞ Railwa…

7.开头字母ain是什么意思?...但这里既加the,又没大写开头字母(Pouring Rain) 似乎不是歌名 而是倾盆大雨的...


1.Pouring rain do not know whether the wake of the fields where there will be a sign of women, children pick shepherd's purse?也不知道春雨浇醒的田野里是否还会有妇女孩子挑荠菜的踪影?

2.One day, there was a pouring rain. Her mother did not come back after supper time.有一天,下着很大的雨,已经过了晚饭时间了,妈妈却还没有回来。

3.That's when Susan started to implement the plan her father had crafted before his stroke: out in the pouring rain, Susan began to dig.她就是在这个时候开始实施她父亲中风前为她制定的计划的:苏珊在外面冒着倾盆大雨,开始挖起洞来。

4.The next morning the Blue Shoe awoke and looked out the window and stared at the pouring rain.第二天早上,蓝鞋子醒来,望着窗外,凝视着正在淅淅沥沥地下着的雨。

5.Jake, her boyfriend, had a girl on her arm as they sauntered across to the tube station under an umbrella under the pouring rain.杰克,她的男友,手臂上挎着一个女孩,他们在伞下往车站走。

6.All the pouring rain, will try to put it out, but not this time.倾盆大雨,试图熄灭火焰,但这次不会

7.Although I have long been pouring rain through, and yet with her daughter to return home holding umbrellas.虽然我早已被雨水淋透,可还是和女儿一起撑伞回家。

8.A man went outside in the pouring rain with no protection, but not a hair on his head got wet.一个人在没用任何雨具的情况下走进滂沱大雨中,可是他竟然一根头发都没有淋湿。

9.Suddenly a woman comes up to me and stops me, right in the pouring rain.突然一个女人过来拦住我,就在暴雨中。

10.Against the leaden sky, the granite stones, standing in the pouring rain, exuded a profound sense of melancholy.灰蒙蒙的天空下,花岗岩作成的墓碑,挺立在倾盆大雨中,弥漫着深深的幽怨。