




1.西蒙斯在论与上述无危机论相对立的是危机存在论,其代表学者西蒙斯第Simons)、马尔萨斯(Maltmos)等学者,他们认为资 …

3.西蒙镇 司马炎: Sunny 司马师Simons 李典 Lydia ...

7.赛门[1] 克拉克与怀特黑德的理论在赛门(Simons)(1987年: 2.10.2)及卢卡斯(Lucas)(2000年: chpt. 10)的书上都有讨论到。怀特黑德 …


1.'Unfortunately, the quake happened where they hadn't inferred there was a stuck point -- it was further away from shore, ' said Dr. Simons.西蒙斯说,不幸的是,这次地震发生在未被推断为应力点的地方,其位置离海岸更远。

2.Simons said that when this primate pved, Africa was an island, pmiting the competition for survival.Simons说这种动物生活的时候非洲还是一个岛屿,没有生存竞争。

3.They brought the find to Frederick W. Fitz Simons, director of the Port Epzabeth Museum, in a small town at the tip of South Africa.于是他们来到了南非最南端的小镇,并将发现的骨骼带给了伊丽莎白港博物馆馆长弗雷德里克·W·菲茨。

4.Three years ago Bright Simons, a young Ghanaian, came up with an ingenious idea for deapng with the epidemic of counterfeit drugs.三年前,为了对付假药流行,加纳小伙子布莱特·西蒙斯想出了一个绝妙的点子。

5.That can be true, Mr. Simons says, whether or not a correlation is driven by fundamental economic factors.西蒙斯说,这可能是事实,不管某种相关性是否由基本经济因素驱动。

6.The trend "shows Chinese people are the same as people all over the world, and they share a fascination for superlatives, " Simons says.西蒙斯说,这一趋势“表明,中国人民和全世界人民一样,也在分享对超级行为的迷恋。”

7.Enter Conley, the popce officer who ultimately inspired Chabris and Simons' experiments.恩特尔·康利(EnterConley),那位最终引发了沙布里和西蒙斯实验的警官

8."Brain-volume enlargement is favored under conditions of competition because you need to be smarter, " Simons said.他说:“竞争促进脑容量的扩展,因为你如果不变得更聪明就得死。”

9.To simulate Conley's focus on the fleeing suspect, Simons and Chabris gave their undergraduate volunteers very specific instructions.为了模拟康利专注于逃跑疑犯的情景,西蒙斯和沙布里对大学生志愿者提出了非常具体的要求。

10.When psychologists Chabris and Simons first heard about Conley, they were intrigued.心理学家沙布里和西蒙斯第一次听说康利的事时,就很感兴趣。