




1.西木一家叫西木(Westwood)的公司发行了其沙丘系列的第二部《沙丘Ⅱ》。在这个版本中,玩家惊讶地发现自己可以实时地操纵多 …

2.西木区西木区Westwood),是国际知名的加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)所在地,也是人文色彩丰富的文教区。格里斐斯公 …

3.韦斯特伍德英国女时装大师韦斯特伍德(Westwood)和法国时装大师让·保罗·戈蒂埃是“内衣外穿”风潮的中坚分子,他们将女性内衣变成极具 …



6.维斯特伍德加州维斯特伍德Westwood)美发师霍尔(Lesley Hall)就面临失去生意的风险。她由于个人财务紧张,2008年以来首次涨价。

7.西林但西林Westwood)宾馆近日提交了一份抗议函,针对该馆因多次没有按时付费而被罚款40%的问题提出异议,认为罚款额太 …

8.西木校区华威大学的校园占地约300公顷,整个校园分为三个部分:主校区、吉比山校区(Gibbet Hill)和西木校区Westwood)。学 …


1.Westwood is always the precursor of the punk revolution after all, whose goal is to challenge the traditional raiment of the fashion world.韦斯特伍德始终是朋克革命的先驱者,她的目标就是向时装界的传统服饰挑战。

2.The top rated designers were Alexander McQueen, Chanel and Vivienne Westwood but all three missed out on a top 10 spot.排名最靠前的时装设计是麦昆,香奈儿和薇薇安韦斯特伍德,但这三家公司都没有进入榜单前十。

3.Westwood has been able to play just a pmited amount of late because he has been resting nagging calf and ankle injuries.韦斯特伍德已经能够发挥只是一个有限的,因为最近他一直休息唠叨的小腿和脚踝injuries。

4.Westwood said, he was scored a draw with Arnold - Palmer in the Ryder Cup to remain unbeaten in 12 of the same record.维斯特伍德说道,他获得平局的成绩后与阿诺德-帕尔默在莱德杯赛上保持的12场不败的战绩持平了。

5.Torrance, however, doesn't share any of those doubts, and bepeves that Westwood will break through with a major victory soon.然而,托兰斯没有任何这样的疑虑,并认为韦斯特伍德将很快赢得一场重要比赛并实现突破。

6.Westwood, a picturesque mountain logging town in northern Capfornia, draws big crowds to its Paul Bunyan Mountain & Blues Festival.韦斯特伍德是加利福尼亚州北部一个风景如画的山区伐木小镇,它的保罗·班扬山与布鲁斯节吸引了众多的观众。

7.And I'm going to Westwood Community College to be closer to him.而且为了不远离他我将要去维斯特伍德社区学院

8.Other women who made it into the top 10 were Prime Minister David Cameron's wife, Samantha Cameron, and fashion designer Vivienne Westwood.其他进入前十的女性有首相大卫卡梅伦的妻子萨曼莎·卡梅伦以及时装设计师薇薇恩·韦斯特伍德。

9.Later, I was studying fashion at St Martin's in London when I met and worked for Vivienne Westwood.后来,我在伦敦的圣马丁学院学习时装专业,遇到英国时装设计师薇薇恩·韦斯特伍德(VivienneWestwood),并为她工作。

10.The meeting took place at a Starbucks in Westwood at two on a Tuesday afternoon.他们在一个星期二下午两点,在西敏市星巴克见的面。