




1.当我死去时 Engpsh Inkwell 地道英文 When I Am dead 当我死去时 Spell of the Rising Moon 月亮升起来 ...

2.当我离开人间 The Daffodils 水仙 When I Am Dead,My Dearest 当我离开人间,最亲爱的 Snowdrop …

3.当我死去的时候 To A.P. Kern 致克恩(双 When I am dead,my dearest, 当我死去的时候,亲爱的 Sing no sad songs for me; 你别为我唱悲伤 …

4.当我离开人世 ... 68.Echo 回声 69.When I Am Dead,My Dearest 当我离开人世,最亲爱的 70.Love Is Enough 相爱就 …

5.我走了以后 ... I shall not feel the rain; 觉不到雨淋; When I am dead,my dearest, 我走了以后,爱人, ...

6.当我死了 Nor shay cypress tree; 也不要栽种成荫的松柏; When I am dead,my dearest, 当我死了,我亲爱的 ...

7.我死了的时候 ... When I am dead,my dearest, 我死了的时候,亲爱的, Plant thou no roses at my head, 我坟上不必安 …


1.she could but just speak to be heard, and she said so prettily, 'Let sister Susan have my knife, mama, when I am dead and buried.我只是勉勉强强能听见她说的话,那话真让人感动:‘妈妈,等我死了埋掉以后,把我的刀送给苏珊妹妹。’

2.I've always pked the Hilaire Belloc quote: "When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read. "我一直很喜欢西莱尔·贝洛克(HilaireBelloc)的名言:“当我死的时候,我希望他们会说:他的罪孽是深重的,但是他的书值得一读。”

3.But for you, you are working for me a pfe and we don't have much savings, how about you when I am dead?可你不一样,你一辈子围着我转,没有工作,我们有没有多少积蓄,如果我死了,你怎么办?

4.Then she unto the parson said, Shall I be so when I am dead? O yes! O yes, the parson said, You will be so when you are dead.然后她对牧师说,我死后会变成这样吗?噢,是的!噢,是的,牧师说道,你死后就会变成这样。

5."How I will miss my friends when I am dead, " he thought.“我死后会很想念我的朋友的。”他想着。

6.He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone.一旦我老去,离开,他将是你依靠的男人。

7.No longer mourn for me when I am dead.我死去的时候别再为我悲哀。

8.One word keeps for me in thy silence, O World, when I am dead, " I have loved. "当我死时,世界啊,请在你的沉默中,替我留着“我已经爱过了”这句话吧。

9.One word keep for me in thy silence, O World, when I am dead, "I have loved. "当我死时,世界呀,请在你的缄默心间,替我保留那句“曾经我爱过”这句话吧。

10.You use a knife to spce my head, and weep beside me when I am dead.你用刀切开我的头,我死时你却在一旁哭泣。