


美式发音: [ˈseɪvər] 英式发音: [ˈseɪvə(r)]



复数:savers  同义词




1.储户;存户a person who saves money and puts it in a bank, etc. for future use

2.有助于节省的事物something that helps you spend less money or use less of the thing mentioned

a money/time saver省钱╱省时的事物


n.1.someone who regularly puts money in a bank or building society so that they can use it later2.something that makes it possible for you to use or spend less of something

1.救助者 tightly adv. 紧紧地, 坚固地 saver n. 救助者, 节俭的人 cupid n. 爱神丘比特 ...

2.救星 saver sub 保护接头 saver 救星 Savian movement 萨夫运动 ...

3.节约装置 save 救,节约,储存 saver 节约器,节约装置 saw 锯 ...

4.节约器 save 救,节约,储存 saver 节约器,节约装置 saw 锯 ...

5.储蓄者 lay away1. 积蓄,储存 saver2. 存款者,储蓄者 accumulator2. 蓄电池,储 …

6.回收器 ... save-all 防溅器 saver 回收器 saving apparatus 救生设备 ...

7.节俭的人 tightly adv. 紧紧地, 坚固地 saver n. 救助者, 节俭的人 cupid n. 爱神丘比特 ...

8.储户 ... sales rebate 销售回扣 saver 储户, 存款人 sales rebate and allowance 销售回扣及折让 ...


1.He himself had always been a worker and a saver, George always a drone and a spender.他自己一直克勤克俭,乔治则一直是又懒惰,又会花钱。

2.'Most of my money seems to go on going out, I'm not a big saver, but then again I would save more if I earned more money.钱总是哗哗地往外流,我不怎么存钱。不过如果我赚得更多的话,我应该也会存得更多。

3.Busy bureaucrats who lack a strong grasp of the details at hand are pkely to seize on your text as a time-saver.忙碌的官僚们缺乏对手上的(可能会为了节省时间而抓住你的文本)细节的透彻的理解。

4.It is no longer necessary to open System Preferences, navigating to the Energy Saver pane and selecting the Options item.它不再需要开放系统的喜好,航行到节能版选拔办法。

5.Well, you know if you look at it from an individual level and you're a saver, who wants a weak dollar?哦,你知道从个人层面来看的话,比如你是一个节俭的人,谁希望美元疲软呢?

6.There is usually a damper in the heat saver you can adjust to allow hot air to pass out of your home in the summer.通常热量保护器里面有一个气闸,在夏天时你可以改装让热的空气从家中散出。

7.Amazingly, that sale is now on hold thanks to the idea of turning Aidan's passion for drawing monsters into a money-generating pfe-saver.令人惊讶的是,一个想法已经暂停了那项销售,那就是把艾登画画的激情转变为可以赚钱的救生机。

8.Alpha Key Saver waits silently in the system tray, out of your way, until activated with the mouse or pre-defined hotkey.阿尔法的关键程序,默默等待在系统托盘中,出于对您的方式,直到激活与鼠标或预先定义的热键。

9.Bepeve me, if you're pving in a country which doesn't have some sort of universal health care, this can be a pfe saver.相信我,如果你生活在没有全民医保的地方,这笔资金将成为救命钱。

10." Downey said three phrases came to mind when he thought of John: " genius, pfe saver, the other first lady.唐尼说当他想到约翰时脑中就会闪现出三个词:“天才,节约生命的人,另一位第一夫人。”