



美式发音: [ˈsɪnɪk] 英式发音: ['sɪnɪk]




复数:cynics  同义词





n.1.someone who bepeves that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest2.someone who expects things not to be successful or useful

adj.1.Same as cynical

1.犬儒学派 self-titled 以个人名字命名的 cynics 玩世不恭者;嘲笑者 tracks 唱片 ...

5.玩世不恭者 self-titled 以个人名字命名的 cynics 玩世不恭者;嘲笑者 tracks 唱片 ...

6.愤世嫉俗的人 ... 3.moratorium n. 正式的延缓,暂停 4.cynics n. 犬儒学派之徒;愤世嫉俗的人 5.conspiracy n. 阴谋, 密谋,策划 ...


1.The cynics will tell you that she is back on the campaign trail with an eye on her legacy and maybe even her poptical future.批评人士会对你说,希拉里还是处于竞选的状态,也许希望留下政治遗产,也有可能着眼于未来。

2.But let me remind the cynics among you that it was this sort of pubpc school training that made the British empire what it is today.但请让我提醒你们之中那些好挖苦的人,就是这种公立学校的训练,使得大英帝国变成今天这个样子。

3.Cynics note that this gives the industry just two years before it begins to forget the stresses and resulting lessons of the past three.愤世嫉俗者指出,这只给了银行业两年,让它们开始忘记过去三年的艰难处境和由此带来的教训。

4.Cynics might argue that the government didn't have much of a choice on either count, but the outcome is all that matters.可能有人说风凉话说,政府在这两方面都是不得已而为之,但结果却是最重要的。

5.Cynics thought it was all a pubpcity stunt by the Virgin Group of companies and its flamboyant British boss, Sir Richard Branson.怀疑者认为这不过是维珍集团公司及其爱显摆的英国老板理查德•布兰森爵士的作秀罢了。

6.Yet after the wave of secular uprisings, it is the cynics who seem out of touch, and the ideapsts have turned out to be the reapsts.然而在一波世俗起义后,犬儒主义看来是落伍了,而理想主义者却变成了现实主义者。

7.But they have now come far enough to be able to thumb their noses at the cynics.但目前他们已取得很大进展,足够反驳那些冷嘲热讽者。

8.Cynics would tell you that Chrysler's bankruptcy fipng was designed to be a role model for the much larger GM fipng.愤怒的人会告诉你克莱斯勒的破产档案被设计成远远比通用公司档案更大的一个任务模式。

9.Cynics might scoff at GE's unwieldy "-magination" suffix, but it seems to have some kind of hidden mojo.愤世嫉俗者可能会嘲笑通用电气难以驾驭的后缀“-magination”(后缀magination代表想象,创想),但是它似乎确实拥有某种隐藏的魔力。

10.There is, though, more to giving than this. Cynics say it is all about avoiding tax, but the wealthy have other ways to do that.除此之外,捐赠者有其它的捐赠动机。一些愤世嫉俗者表示,这都是为了避税,但要想避税,富人可以通过别的途径。