




1.当我老了 ... 妮妮 10级 2009-12-07 When I am old. 《当我老了When I am old 当我老了 When I was old ...

2.当我老去的时候 ... I’m sure I don’t know, 我也不太清楚, When I am old, 应该是我老的时候吧, ...

4.当我老态龙锺可以与爱尔兰诗人叶慈( W.B. Yeats)的「当我老态龙锺」( When I am Old)并读,此中得人性情爱的共相,也有东西文 …

5.当我老时 About the marriage 关於婚姻 When I am old 当我老时 ... Best friends 最好的朋友 ...

6.人到老年人到老年 (When I Am Old)


1.Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.神阿,我到年老发白的时候,求你不要离弃我,等我将你的能力指示下代,将你的大能指示后世的人。

2.When I am old, or when I no longer enjoy good health, please do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I am not having fun.当我很老的时候,当我的健康已经逝去无法正常生活的时候,请不要想方设法延续我的生命,因为我已无力再享乐。

3.When I am old, or when I no longer enjoy good health, please do not take heroic efforts to keep me going.当我老去,或者病入膏肓,请不要勉强让我苟延残喘。

4.I would pke to pve in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I pve in the countryside when I am old for having a quite pfe.当我年轻时我更喜欢生活在城市赚足够的钱,当我年老需要安静的生活时我会生活在农村。

5.When I am old, I will be able to look back through my scrapbooks and remember my heroes in all their glory .当我年老时,我将可以翻阅我的剪贴簿,回忆那些英雄的光荣事迹。

6.Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.我年老的时候,求你不要丢弃我。我力气衰弱的时候,求你不要离弃我。

7.The only thing confusing me is will I get as fat as my dad when I am old?独一令我困惑的一件事是,等我老了也会变得和我父亲一样的胖吗?

8.When I am old, the person by my side, accompanying me around the world, is you.当我老的时候,无论在世界哪个角落,那个陪伴我,在我身边的人是你。

9.When I am old someday, don't know if you can take care of me pke now.有一天我变老了,不知道你会不会像现在这样照顾我。

10.Who will take care of me when I am old?我老了谁来照料我?