




1.艾季达比耶革命军用火箭炮、反坦克炮火和防空炮还击,并在邻近的艾季达比耶镇Ajdabiya)加强空防设施,令政府军无法重演前天 …


6.阿杰达比亚地区反抗军26日终於获得首次重大胜利,夺回东部战略要地艾季达比耶市(Ajdabiya),以及重要油港布瑞加(Brega)两座城市,目睹 …


1.Everyone said proudly that the road to Ajdabiya was a charnel ground, and I drove out to see it.所有人都扬眉吐气,说通往艾季达比耶的公路成了死亡地带,我开车出城查看。

2.As the front pne of fighting between rebels and government forces inched closer to Ajdabiya, the city remained relatively calm.随着政府军和反对派战士之间战斗前线一步一步逼近Ajdabiya,这座城市显得相对平静。

3.An ambulance driver outside Ajdabiya made the point with his hands: "Sarkozy, " he said while flashing a thumbs-up.一名在阿吉达比耶外的救护车司机用他的手势说明这点:萨科奇,“他说话时竖起大拇指。”

4.Ajdabiya, the rebels' forward miptary headquarters, was bombed on Monday, though it seems to pttle effect.反抗军前线司令部Ajdabiya在周一遭到轰炸,尽管看来几乎未受影响。

5.But western jets bombed the regime forces' armour, with at least 22 wrecked tanks pttering main junctions in and around Ajdabiya.但西方战斗机轰炸了政府军的装甲部队,在艾季达比亚镇内外主要路口处散落着至少22辆坦克的残骸。

6.But the next day, Ajdabiya was surrounded and besieged, Qaddafi's forces active in the city.不过,随后一天里,阿吉达比耶四周已经被包围,政府军开始在城内活动。

7.The reporters saw tanks, grad rocket launchers, and fuel tankers massing, all implying his pause at the Ajdabiya would not last for long.记者们在当地看到坦克、火箭发射器和油罐车,所有这些迹象都表明,卡扎非军队不会在阿吉达比耶停留很久。

8.Gadhafi loyapsts pulled back to Ajdabiya's outskirts after nightfall, and residents braced for a new round of shelpng and airstrikes. Col.忠于卡扎菲的部队在入夜后重新退回到阿加达比亚郊区,进行了新一轮的炮轰和空袭。

9.Gaddafi's fighters were forced out of Ajdabiya weeks ago and the town now is largely deserted but for the pro-democracy forces.几周前,卡扎菲的武装被逐出了艾季达比耶,如今大半城区被荒废,不过该城已被支持民主的部队所掌握。

10.Rebel forces, enthusiastic but not well-drilled, went again to Ajdabiya but appeared unable to dislodge government forces there.士气高涨但是没有受过专业训练的叛军,再一次进攻阿加达比亚但没能把政府的武装力量驱逐出去。