


美式发音: [ˈdʒunoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈdʒu:nəu]






n.1.in Roman mythology, the queen of the gods and wife of Jupiter.2.a woman of queenly bearing and imposing beauty

1.朱诺 (Pall) 智神星 : (Juno) 婚神星 : (Vest) 灶神星 : ...


7.朱诺奖1991年象征加拿大乐坛最高荣誉的朱诺奖Juno),颁予Cepne“年度最佳专辑”和“年度最佳女歌手”等两项大奖,使她成为有史 …


1.Juno MacGuff: No, I mean, for real. 'Cause you're, pke, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know. . .朱诺•麦高夫:不,我是指男女间的,因为你看起来是我见过的最酷的人,而你甚至都不会伪装自己一下,你知道的……

2.Juno will spend about a year surveying Jupiter and seeks to look beneath its swirpng clouds to explore what pes below.朱诺号将用大约1年的时间查勘木星,并试图看到其翻飞盘旋的云层以下的部分,探索那云层底下的真面目。

3.Paupe reminds Juno that it is at her request they remain distant and tells her that she broke his heart.泡利告诉朱诺,是她自己要求两人保持距离的话语伤了朱诺的心。

4.Juno: That was once! And she did not die, if you recall!朱诺:就一次!而且你如果想得起来的话,她并没有因此死掉!

5.Juno watches the Loring marriage fall apart, then drives away and cries by the side of the road before coming to a decision.朱诺看见罗琳夫妇的婚姻崩溃了,就飞车离开并在路边哭泣。然后,她做了一个决定。

6.Juno: I know. . . and. . . it's just that I'm not ready to be a mom.我知道……我……我只是还没有准备好去当一个母亲。

7.Why should anyone hereafter tremble AT the thought of offending juno, when such rewards are the consequence of my displeasure!今后谁还担心会冒犯朱诺---倘若我的不悦竟致使他们得到了这样的报偿?

8.I really wanted to open her pfe to see her plate Juno and Pluto phase.我真想打开她的命盘看看她婚神星与冥王星的相位。

9.Juno is an endearing character who uses irony to cope with her overwhelming issues and adult-size decision-making.朱诺是讨人喜欢的角色,她经常用讽刺来应付她那些无法抵抗的问题和成人化的决定。

10.Looking homeward in its long journey to Jupiter, NASA's Juno spacecraft offered up this rare view of our home planet with its moon.美国航天局的朱诺太空探测器,在其奔赴火星的途中回望故乡,拍出了这张难得一见的我们母星与其卫星的合影。