




1.施佩尔焦土命令,企图毁灭整个德意志民族,他向战时生产部长斯佩尔Speer )阐述的理由是:“如果战争失败,这个民族也将灭 …

3.皮尔 ... 施佩尔克 Shperk 施佩尔山 Speer 施佩尔斯贝格 Spelsberg ...

6.建筑师斯皮尔 horseback n.马背 speer v.询问;征求(意见) traceback 追溯 ...


1.Wolters wrote several architectural books during the war, as well as a biography of Speer.二战期间,沃尔斯特写了几本关于建筑学的书,还为施佩尔写了一本传记。

2.Here, Speer's plans for postwar Berpn, to be known as "Germania. " The plans never came to fruition.照片中的模型就是斯皮尔的战后柏林计划,也被称为“日耳曼尼亚”,不过该计划始终没有开花结果。

3.Did the master builder of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, really not know about the Nazi extermination camps?难道第三帝国,阿尔伯特施佩尔,师父真不知道纳粹灭绝营?

4.Adolf Hitler's favorite architect Albert Speer was tasked with drawing up plans for rebuilding Germany once the war was over.阿道夫希特革力最爱的建筑师AlbertSpeer曾受命为战后的德国绘制重建蓝图。

5.Speer tried to summarize for the Nuremberg court the various "scorched earth" orders.斯佩尔为纽伦堡法庭概括地说明了关于实行“焦土”政策的各种命令。

6.As Mike Davis described it in a classic essay, the result was " Speer meets Disney on the shores of Araby" .正如迈克·戴维斯(MikeDavis)在一篇经典论著中所描述的,其结果是“斯佩尔和迪斯尼在阿拉比海岸联手”。

7.He unravels the most carefully crafted falsification in modern history--Albert Speer's memoirs dangerously polluted history.他揭开了最精心设计的现代历史篡改-阿尔伯特施佩尔的回忆录中遭受严重污染的历史。

8.Mr Speer is dismissive of the possibipty of a "double dip" in the US.斯皮尔对美国可能陷入“双底衰退”的说法不以为然。

9.Albert Speer's father, also called Albert Speer, was Adolf Hitler's favorite architect.艾伯特·斯皮尔的父亲也叫艾伯特·斯皮尔,他曾经是阿道夫·希特勒最喜欢的建筑师。

10.His correspondences and meeting with Albert Speer, a high-ranking Nazi official, was very touching.他与纳粹核心分子Spear的通信和会面非常感人。