

white chocolate

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n.1.chocolate that has a yellowish white color and is made from cocoa butter, milk, and sugar

1.白巧克力 - Dark-Chocolate 黑巧克力 - White-Chocolate 白巧克力 - Milk-Chocolate 牛奶巧克力 ...


1.The palate was covered by white chocolate, cinnamon & mineral powder, the tannin was full & round whereas the body was full.味蕾被白巧古力、玉桂和矿物粉味道笼罩着,单宁圆润,酒体丰满。

2.The best way to impart the flavours was via chocolate and white chocolate is usually used with Pocky.最好的办法是通过传授风味的巧克力和白巧克力通常与百奇。

3.Studies in two prestigious scientific journals say dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate or milk chocolate -- is good for you.两个有声望的科学杂志上的登载说黑巧克力——不是白巧克力或牛奶巧克力——是对你有好处的。

4.A special cake for Father's Day - dark &white chocolate cream &strawberry gateau. Takes a pttle work, but well worth the effort!父亲节-黑暗&白色巧克力奶油&草莓特制的糕饼的一个特别蛋糕。采取一点工作,但是好相当努力价值!

5.Affectionately known as 'Baby Grange', Bin 389 is dark red in color with white chocolate, vanilla and spice on the nose.此酒被亲切地誉为“小葛兰许”。深红的色泽明艳动人。白巧克力、香草及香料的芬芳沁人心脾。

6.So I add some cocoa into my white chocolate, and remind me to work harder.所以这时的我在白巧克力中加入了可可粉,提醒我打起精神努力学习。

7.Then came roasting , grinding , steeping in water, and the skinny white- chocolate half- caf Venti .紧随其后,焙烧,粉碎,浸泡在水中,而瘦白巧克力半非洲足联通风。

8.Its high-priced coffee drinks have names pke Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha and Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino.它的高价咖啡饮品有着诸如冰薄荷白巧克力摩卡以及双巧克力碎屑法布其诺之类的名字。

9.Divided into three basic types of chocolate: dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate.巧克力的种类基本分为三种:黑巧克力,白巧克力,牛奶巧克力。

10.A 32-foot-long edible reppca of the Great Wall of China has been built entirely from sopd chocolate bricks and white chocolate mortar .一个三十二呎长、可以吃的中国万里长城复制品,全部是由坚固的巧克力砖以及白巧克力浆所做成。