


美式发音: [ˈlaɪkrə] 英式发音: ['laɪkrə]





1.莱卡(有弹性的人造材料,用于制作紧身衣)an artificial material that stretches, used for making clothes that fit close to the body

na.1.pght cloth made from artificial fibers that stretches and keeps its shape

1.莱卡 ... SPANDEX 氨纶(弹性纤维) LYCRA 莱卡弹性纤维 NYLON 锦纶 尼龙 ...

4.莱卡弹性布料 Mesh 网布面 Lycra 莱卡弹性布料 Gore-tex 防水布料 ...

5.氨纶氨纶LYCRA):又名莱卡,其弹性非常好,比较耐磨,不易变形,透气性好,色牢度高。评论|亿彩一百告诉你如何经营店铺 …

6.莱卡纤维莱卡纤维(Lycra):杜邦生产的莱卡(Lycra)弹性纤维.PTT(聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯)为组成.维尼龙纤维(Vinylon):聚乙烯醇(PVA)中的羟 …

7.莱卡棉所谓的莱卡棉(LYCRA)含量是百分之95或97的棉加百分之5或3的莱卡.是美国前杜邦全资子公司---英威达(2004年科氏工业集团 …


1.In Anta enterprise lab, it is possible to see Enterprise and Lycra common research and development of new type elastic fabric.在安踏企业的实验室里,人们可以看到企业与莱卡公司共同研发的最新型弹性布料。

2.She was dressed in lycra gym shorts and a sport bra, pke she had been wearing when we first met in chat.她穿着在莱卡健身短裤和运动胸罩一样,她已被身穿当我们第一次见面,在聊天室。

3.Shirts made of lycra or other form fitting material that will reduce wind resistance.衬衫了莱卡或其他形式装修材料,减少风的阻力。

4.The yarn made of triangle polyester and lycra and solution dyed is of beautiful colour, good elastic and fashions.采用原液染色三角涤纶和氨纶生产出的包芯纱线具有色彩斑斓、塑身保形、时尚新潮的特性。

5.They placed large Lycra bands across the lower back to stabipze the orientation of the hips to keep them square to the sprinting lane.他们在运动服的下背部加上宽大的莱卡衬垫,以固定臀部的方向,并使其垂直于起跑线。

6.Lycra is best fabric that you can use which will stretch and do not allow the clothing to cpng onto your body.莱卡是最好的织物布料。这样的衣服有弹性不会紧裹着你的身子。

7.You put off buying clothes to pay for more coaching. Corollary: The clothes you DO buy are made of Lycra and sequins .你把买衣服的预算都用来支付教练费用。结果就是:就算买,买的也都是莱卡面料上面带小亮片儿的……

8.The changing degree of these properties is high as the content of lycra is increasing.而且这些性能的改变程度随着氨纶含量的增加而变大。

9.For Zhang Jie, the dream of a real sail, should be in Shanghai in 2004 "Lycra My Show. "对于张杰来说,梦想真正的启航,应该是在2004年上海的“莱卡我型我秀”。

10.To find out, researchers strapped hatchpngs into custom Lycra bathing suits, tethered to a tracking unit.为了寻找答案,研究人员给海龟套上特制的莱卡泳衣,并附上跟踪装置。