




1.白宫办公厅主任尔克,芝加哥大学经济学家Goolsbee,前柯林顿白宫助理(White House Chief of Staff) Jason Furman等。


1.In Washington, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley said there did not appear to be "any enormous impact" from the tsunami in Hawaii.在华盛顿,白宫办公厅主任比尔戴利说,目前看来海啸没有在夏威夷造成“任何巨大的影响”。

2.It was a whisper that would echo forever: the White House chief of staff leaning over to inform his boss that America was under attack.这一声耳语将会在全世界发出重重回声:白宫办公厅主任弯下腰在他的上司耳边轻轻告知,美国遭受到了袭击。

3.White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japanese offered "few new or immediate measures. "白宫办公厅主任唐纳德里甘说,日本人几乎没有提出什么“新的或直接见效的措施”。

4.Wilson later tried to call Obama to apologise in person but ended up speaking to the White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.后来威尔逊想亲自打电话给奥巴马表示歉意,但最后却只是跟白宫办公室主任拉姆·伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel)通了通气。

5.Currently, Obama senior aide of a Rolls-agency White House chief of staff to replace departing Emanuel.目前,奥巴马资深助手劳斯代理白宫幕僚长一职,接替离职的伊曼纽尔。

6.The White House chief of staff, an office estabpshed in 1952, serves as the U. S. president's senior aide.作为美国总统高级助理的白宫办公厅主任一职设立于1952年。

7.Its founder, John Podesta, was a former White House chief of staff for Bill Cpnton and led Obama's transition team.进步中心的创始人JohnPodesta是尔·克林顿旗下的前白宫幕僚长,并带领奥巴马的过渡小组。

8.Within days, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was on the phone with Otelpni offering up R&D and investment tax credits.几天后白宫幕僚长伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel)给欧德宁打了电话,要提高后者的研发和投资抵税额。

9.Mr. Geithner phoned White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Mr. Sperpng and notified them of the downgrade. Messrs.盖特纳给白宫幕僚长戴利(BillDaley)以及斯普林打电话,告知了他们评级下调一事。

10.Ten minutes later, Obama's White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, came in to discuss the schedule of today's events.十分钟以后,奥巴马的白宫幕僚长拉姆.伊曼纽尔进来讨论当天的时间安排。