

out of sympathy

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1.Quite a number of people are out of sympathy with him on that point.在这一点上,相当多的人同他的看法是不一致的。

2.He gave the poor children some money out of sympathy.出于同情,他给了这个穷孩子们一点钱。

3.Out of sympathy, she began to move money about, ostensibly to "lend" from the rich to the poor for a short period.她出于同情而开始转移资金,从表面上看,是将富人的钱短期“借给”穷人。

4.Talabani also said he produced 74-year-old Aziz Aziz's age and partly out of sympathy for the other, because he is an Iraqi Christian.塔拉巴尼还说,他对74岁的阿齐兹产生的同情一方面出于阿齐兹的年龄,另一方面也因为他是一名伊拉克的基督徒。

5.She really did not see anything clearer than before, but she was getting into that frame of mind where, out of sympathy, a woman yields.其实究竟该怎么办,她并不比刚才更清楚。可是现在出于同情,她的心理实已陷入女性屈服和让步的状态。

6.Out of sympathy for the homeless children, he gave them shelter for the night.他怀着恻隐之心留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。

7.Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them a bed for the night.出于对无家可归的孩子们的怜悯,他让他们留宿过夜。

8.Long to help out of sympathy are no longer close, but out of instinct, the world is really going to warm up. . .长帮助不再紧紧是出于同情,而是出于本能时,这个世界才会真的温暖起来…

9.He made donations to the orphanage out of sympathy.他出于同情,捐献给孤儿院。

10.I was in sympathy with your proposal the day before yesterday, but I am out of sympathy with it now.我前天赞成你的提议,但是我现在不赞同了。