


美式发音: [ˈwɪdʒɪt] 英式发音: ['wɪdʒɪt]






n.1.a small object or piece of equipment that you do not know the name of2.a typical object made in large numbers in a factory

1.小工具 请求的生命周期( Request Lifecycle) 部件Widgets) 网站设置( Site Settings) ...

3.桌面小工具 ·Globals( 地球 5) ·Widgets小部件 7) ·Primitives( 图元 8) ...

7.小插件 Miscellaneous( 其它) Widgets小插件) Wishpsts( 愿望列表) ...


1.Other themes might have more than one sidebar defined, and if so, you'll be able to select it from the Current Widgets drop-down box.其它的主题可能定义了几个边栏,这样的话,你可以从当前Widgets下拉框中选择边栏。

2.For this article, you focus on getting widgets on the screen and a bit of interactivity.就本文而言,我们集中关注在屏幕上获得小部件,并提供一点交互性。

3.For a large number of widgets, this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time.对于大量的widget来说,这会导致内存和JVM启动时间的猛增。

4.IBM Mashup Center provides many ready-to-use widgets that you can use for building mashup apppcations.IBMMashupCenter提供了很多可用于构建mashup应用程序的即用型小部件。

5.I would also guess that if you were to use these widgets you would want them to look pke they belong on your site.我还这样猜测,如果您打算使用这些小部件,那么肯定希望它们能融入到您的站点中。

6.The company also provides an iPhone app, as well as a number of blog widgets that are not directly related to its core business.目前公司也提供了一款iPhone应用,以及其他许多与其核心业务不搭边的博客小挂件(pnk)。

7.By populating dijit. Dialog with HTML markup and widgets, we determine how the body of the dialog box is going to look.通过用HTML标记和小部件填充dijit.Dialog可以决定对话框主体的外观。

8.Many food production workers labor in difficult, even deplorable, conditions, and animals are produced as if they were widgets.许多食物生产的劳动者都处于艰难的工作环境之中,甚至很凄惨的,还有动物们就好象被割成小部分那样去制作。

9.Once you sign up for a free iCloud account, you're ready to start exploring the dozens of apppcations and widgets.一旦你注册了一个免费的iCloud账户,你就准备开始探索许许多多的应用程序和小工具吧!

10.Now that you understand how the widgets interoperate on the page, you can take it a step further and create a more complex situation.现在您了解了widget如何在页面上交互操作,可以进一步创建一个更为复杂的场景。