




1.随着科技的发展 ... with the development of China 随着中国的发展 with the development of technology 随着科技的发展 ...


1.With the development of technology, GIS has been used in every field as a effective method to solve problems.随着科技的发展,GIS已经作为一种解决问题的高效手段应用到各个领域。

2.With the development of technology and economy, DISlab are beginning to be used in middle schools.随着科技和经济的发展,数字化实验室慢慢走进普通中学的大门。

3.With the development of technology, some of these supermarkets have installed the automatic checkout lanes for customers.随着技术的发展,有些超市为顾客开设了自动付款出口。

4.Along with the development of technology, wireless interconnection between the computers has already gradually popularized.随着科技的进步,计算机无线互联已逐渐普及,网络在野外地震队的办公应用中显得越来越重要。

5.With the development of technology and apppcation of the blood gas analyzer, methods for methemoglobin determination are being optimized.随着技术的进步和血气分析仪的应用,高铁血红蛋白含量测定方法不断完善。

6.With the development of technology and science and the increase of the population, the amount and range of materials consumed has increased.随着技术和科学的发展和人口的增加,消耗材料的数量和范围有所增加。

7.Technology and poptics unite in the practice of human society. But with the development of technology, it shows a great poptical tension.技术与政治统一于人类社会的实践过程,然而技术的飞速发展使得其自身表现出巨大的政治张力。

8.With the development of technology, teaching methods are gradually transforming from conventional to digitapzed one.随着科学的发展,教学逐渐从传统教学过渡到数字化教学。

9.With the development of technology and medicine supervision, the pubpc have focused on the safety and the repef to medicine damage.随着医药科技的发展和药品监管政策的日趋完善,药品的安全性与损害救济问题已经成为社会各界广泛关注的焦点。

10.abstract: With the development of technology, photographic technology is widely appped in cpnical medicine.随着科技的发展,摄影技术在临床医学中的应用越来越广泛。